From beginners to top pro players! "Super Combusta Festival Monst Day #1" will be held at "Commufa eSports Stadium NAGOYA"!

From beginners to top pro players! "Super Combusta Festival Monst Day #1" will be held at "Commufa eSports Stadium NAGOYA"!

One of the most popular smartphone apps in Japan, " Monster Strike " ( MonStrike ), a tug-and-pull hunting RPG smartphone app from XFLAG, the entertainment business brand of mixi, Inc.
XFLAG PARK 2022 will be held offline for the first time in three years, and MINI PARK 2022 is being held in various locations around Japan.
MonSt is a game that can be played solo or multiplayer.
In response to this desire, we are pleased to announce that " Super Commufa Stadium Festival MonStDay #1 " will be held at Commufa eSports Stadium NAGOYA on June 4, 2022 (Saturday)!
This community event will be attended by top professional players and will have plenty of content for all MonSt fans to enjoy.
Even if you are a beginner, you can make MonSt friends and have fun at the super Commufa Stadium Festival!

MonSt lovers gather! Real Gimmick Battle and other rich contents

Real Gimmick Battle

リアルギミックバトル コミュファ eSports Stadium NAGOYA公式サイト

4-on-4 with real gimmicks, instant team competition!
Aim to clear the game faster than the other team, even in difficult playing conditions.
There are three types of gimmicks: "two-handed gloves," "bottle-bottom glasses," and "upside-down goggles!
Each one has a different difficulty level, but you must rely on your senses and do your best!
And the pros will play your game live!

MonStYouTuber Experience

コミュファ eSports Stadium NAGOYA公式サイト

Become a MonStYouTuber with the pros! You can shoot videos of yourself playing with the pros at the Commufa Stadium distribution booth!
There are two video menus available: "Multiplayer with Pros" where you can play multiplayer games with pros, and "My Play with Pros" where a pro will play your play and you will get the video as a gift!
Why don't you try your hand at making the best video in a full-fledged video streaming booth?

Photo Spot Corner

コミュファ eSports Stadium NAGOYA公式サイト

Take a photo at the photo spot corner to commemorate your visit to the "Super Commufa Stadium Festival MonStDay#1"!
If you are lucky, you may be able to take a picture with a professional player.

Multiplayer Lounge

Enjoy multiplayer with other participants as well as professional players and Commufa Stadium staff!
You can spend quality MonSt time with other MonSt players.
By the way, we have newbie Commufa Stadium staff members joining us, so please be nice to them when you get together...!

Also, you get one free drink from our stadium sponsor, Yakult Tokai!

Message Board Corner

Write your thoughts on MonSt, your guess monster, or any other feelings you have about MonSt on a message card and stick it on the board!
After your picture is taken, tweet it on Twitter and you will receive a Commufa Stadium novelty!


コミュファ eSports Stadium NAGOYA公式サイト

The winners of the Chubu and Kansai qualifiers of the MonSt Grand Prix 2022 held in various regions of Japan from April 2022 will appear as guests at the "Super Commufa Stadium Festival MonStDay#1" to be held at Commufa Stadium this time!
This is your chance to see the winners of the regional qualifiers up close and personal!

MMT (MonSt Grand Prix 2022 Chubu Qualifier Winner)

Sumunga Densoku Sumunga(@MonSt Grand Prix 2022 Kansai Preliminary Round Winner)

Saturday, June 4, 2022 at "Commufa eSports Stadium NAGOYA"!

コミュファ eSports Stadium NAGOYA公式サイト

MonSt Day #1 " will be held at Commufa eSports Stadium NAGOYA on Saturday, June 4, 2022, for everyone who loves MonSt!
The time of "Super Commufa Stadium Festival MonStDay #1" is from 13:00 to 18:00 and the participation fee is 1,000 yen (tax included).
The event will feature community events with top professional players and a variety of fun activities, so whether you are confident in your skills or a MonSt newbie, come and join the fun!
For more information about MonStDay #1, please visit the official Commufa eSports Stadium NAGOYA website or Commufa Stadium official Twitter (@commufa_eSports ).

Super Commufa Stadium Festival MonStDay #1" Tournament Outline
Date Saturday, June 4, 2022
Time 13:00-18:00 *Players may enter and exit during the event.
Participation Fee 1,000 yen (tax included)
Location Commufa eSports Stadium NAGOYA
Monster Strike

Anker PowerCore Magnetic 5000

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