BB.excite HIKARI 10G, the super high-speed Internet line, is now available at a reduced price! New contract campaign is now available!

BB.excite HIKARI 10G, the super high-speed Internet line, is now available at a reduced price! New contract campaign is now available!

Websites are slow to display, uploading to the cloud takes time, app updates never finish, videos stop in the middle, and so on... There is nothing good about a slow Internet connection, so a fast connection is a must. Even in everyday life, a fast and stable connection is a lifeline for gamers because they need to exchange large amounts of data at high speeds, such as when playing games online or downloading software data. For this reason, many companies offer high-speed, large-capacity, and stable " gaming lines," and "10G" optical fiber lines that achieve high-speed communications of up to 10 Gbps, which can often be heard in TV commercials, are becoming commonplace. High speed is certainly good, but most of the providers also have to invest in equipment and maintenance costs, so the usage fees are higher than those of conventional plans. If the usage fee is low, then don't you think you can make a quick decision without having to worry about it? BB.excite Hikari 10G" has revised its pricing, and the usage fee is now cheaper!

The monthly cost has been lowered by more than 1,000 yen!

BB.excite光10G ※画像内価格は改定前
BB.excite Hikari 10G *Prices in the image are before the revision.

BB.excite Hikari 10G" is an ultra high-speed Internet connection provided by Excite Inc. Excite" is a long-established company that has been providing media, entertainment, e-mail, blogs, and other services since the dawn of the Internet, and you may have used their services at least once. You may have used their service at least once before. BB.excite Hikari 10G" is a plan that provides a super high-speed Internet line, so the price is a bit...well, a bit higher than other lines provided by Excite, and the monthly usage fee has been 7,590 yen (including tax) until now. The monthly fee has been 7,590 yen (including tax). However, "BB.excite HIKARI 10G" will be available from March 1, 2023 (Wed.), and the monthly fee will be revised to 1,590 yen (tax included). The monthly usage fee is now 6,380 yen (tax included), more than 1,000 yen cheaper than before! With a maximum of 10Gbps high-speed line available for only a small additional cost to your current line fee, there is more than enough room for you to consider switching! Of course, it is better to have a fast connection not only for gaming, but also for those of you who will still be working remotely from home! Get a comfortable Internet life with "BB.excite Hikari 10G"! If you are considering signing up for this service, be sure to check the details on the official "BB.excite Hikari 10G" website and apply for the service from the official website!

New application campaign for your new life has started!

We are entering the end of the fiscal year of 2023 in March. Many people will start a new life in April for reasons such as going on to higher education, getting a job, or moving to a new place of residence. In this day and age, an Internet connection is a must, but it is also a time of need, so it is understandable to want to keep expenses as low as possible, but not to have a slow connection even if it is inexpensive. BB.excite Hikari 10G" has started a new campaign on March 1, 2023 (Wed. ) that is perfect for everyone who wants to get a new line !

Initial Cost & Standard Construction Fee Free & 12 Months Monthly Discount Campaign!

The "Initial Cost/Standard Construction Fee Free & 12 Months Monthly Discount Campaign " is for those who newly apply for "BB.excite Hikari 10G" during the campaign period, the registration fee, which usually costs 3,300 yen (including tax), will be waived! The contract administration fee, which usually costs 1,100 yen (including tax), is waived! In other words, no initial cost! In addition, the standard installation fee for family (detached house), which is usually 15,000 yen (including tax), is also waived! And more! The monthly usage fee will be 4,444 yen (including tax) for 12 months from the revised price of 6,380 yen (including tax), a super bargain at 1,936 yen off!

Initial Cost & Standard Installation Fee Free & 12 Months Monthly Discount Campaign

Just by calculating the savings over 12 months, you can save 42,632 yen, and the line you can use is a super high-speed 10G fiber optic line. And with no minimum usage period! And with no minimum usage period and no cancellation fee, you can rest assured even if you have to move suddenly. The "No Initial Cost, No Standard Installation Fee & 12-Month Discount Campaign" will be available from March 1, 2023 (Wed.), and although no end date is indicated at the start, the campaign and special offers are subject to change or end without notice. We know that many of you who are signing up for a new Internet line may be busy with relocating, etc., but if you are considering "BB.excite Hikari 10G", we recommend that you apply as soon as possible! For more details, please check the special campaign page!

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