Everyone gets 1,000 yen worth of BTC! Coincheck is holding its Spring Reserve Debut Campaign!

Everyone gets 1,000 yen worth of BTC! Coincheck is holding its Spring Reserve Debut Campaign!

Coincheck, a virtual currency exchange operated by Coincheck Corporation, a subsidiary of Monex Group, has announced a "Spring Debut Campaign" for new customers who have applied for Coincheck's crypto asset accumulation service " Coincheck Tsumate ". Coincheck has announced its " Spring Reserve Debut Campaign ", offering 1,000 yen worth of BTC to those who newly sign up for Coincheck's crypto savings service "Coincheck Tsumitate"!


Get 1,000 yen worth of BTC when you sign up!


Coincheck Tatemate", a crypto asset accumulation service, is currently holding a "Spring Tatemate Debut Campaign " in which new customers can get 1,000 yen worth of BTC for making a new application from March 11, 2023 (Saturday). Nowadays, people are thinking more and more about asset management and investment, and the word "savings" is becoming more and more common, and many of you may be actually saving money. However, with "Coincheck Tatemate", once you set up your account, you can "automatically purchase" at a certain timing and amount, so there is no need to make deposits each time. Also, while you may have an image that crypto assets fluctuate wildly in price, the crypto asset accumulation service allows you to invest with minimal price fluctuation by using the dollar cost averaging method. Since you can start with a low amount, even beginners can continue to accumulate crypto assets with no worries!

The Spring Debut Campaign is open to new customers who subscribe to Coincheck's Advance Deposit Service between March 11, 2023 (Sat) 0:00 and April 11, 2023 (Tue) 23:59, and continue to make purchases for 3 months from May 8, 2023. You will be eligible for the campaign. Even if you have already set up your account transfer, you will be eligible for this campaign if you have not applied for Coincheck Advance Deposit as of March 11, 2023 (Sat) 0:00. Campaign Eligibility Everyone will receive 1,000 yen worth of BTC You will receive 1,000 yen worth of BTC, and both the savings service fee and account transfer fee will be waived, so why not take advantage of the Spring Reserve Debut Campaign to start saving! For details of this campaign, please check the official Coincheck website.

Name Spring Reserve Debut Campaign
Period March 11, 2023 (Sat) 0:00 - April 11, 2023 (Tue) 23:59
Prize 1,000 yen worth of BTC will be given to all eligible applicants.
Eligibility Those who have already set up an account transfer and have not applied for Coincheck Tate as of 00:00 on Saturday, March 11, 2023. Those who have not applied for Coincheck Tsumitate as of 00:00 on March 11 (Sat).
How the prize will be awarded Prizes will be awarded to trading accounts in mid-July 2023.

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