"e-sports festa" by FukuokaDesign&TechnologyCollege

"e-sports festa" by FukuokaDesign&TechnologyCollege

Fukuoka Design & Technology College announced that it will hold " e-sports Festa," an event based on the concept of " e-sports festival from Kyushu," for two days on Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, 9, 2019.

Hosted by a technical college with a major in "e-sports"

Fukuoka Design & Technology College is the only college in Kyushu that offers a major in the field of e-sports.
The school offers a wide range of courses such as "e-sports management major (4-year course)", "e-sports professional gamer major (3-year course)", and "e-sports event staff major (3-year course). The school trains not only players, but also various human resources involved in e-sports.

Events with Gorgeous Guests

The "e-sports Festa" will be an event that invites luxury guests to participate in panel discussions, demonstrations, live commentary, and other events that will allow visitors to experience the world of e-sports up close and personal.
The panel discussion will focus on "e-sports today" and will feature Kenichi Nakajima, president of the Fukuoka e-Sports Association, and Ryosuke Iwamoto, president of Sengoku Gaming.
Winning Eleven 2019's DeMonStration will feature Zoo Gaming's Cue as a player and game caster Taiga Kishi as a play-by-play commentator.
Rainbow Six Siege's MonStration will feature Sengoku Gaming's gatorada as a player and game caster Gagamaru as a play-by-play commentator.
Zakiyama and TTBG will appear as special MCs.

Reservations are required to attend.

Reservations are required in advance to participate in the "e-sports Festa".
Please note that the application form differs for "high school students", "prospective students of Fukuoka Design & Technology College", and "general spectators".
For details and reservations, please visit the official "e-sports Festa" website.

Event Details

e-sports Festa
Date and time Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, 9, 12:00 - 17:00 both days
Held within the school festival (see website)
Location Fukuoka Digital & Technology College
Performers Fukuoka eSports Association: Mr. Kenichi Nakajima, Chairman
Sengoku Gaming: Mr. Ryosuke Iwamoto, Representative
Game Casters: Mr. Taiga Kishi and Mr. Gagamaru
Professional gamers: Mr. Cue from Zoo Gaming and Mr. gatorada from Sengoku Gaming
Event Official Website http://www.fca.ac.jp/opencampus/6687/
For inquiries, please contact Fukuoka Design & Technology College, Admission Office