SBI e-Sports " is a professional gaming team operated by SBI e-Sports (@SBI_eSports), an e-sports company operated by the SBI Group, which provides financial services such as SBI Securities and SBI Sumishin Net Bank.
In May 2022, SBI e-Sports also made headlines by signing a top partner agreement with Shinsei Financial's "Lake ALSA" card loan brand.
SBI e-Sports" has launched a new Splatoon division.
In addition, SBI e-Sports announced the signing of a professional contract with Yamamichi(@auaubabutyann), a top player who has won two consecutive Splatoon 2 world tournaments.
New Development of "SBI e-Sports

At the time of writing, the professional gaming team "SBI e-Sports" had four divisions: Smash Bros. division, FIFA division, Apex Legends division, and Puyopuyo e-Sports division.
In addition, the company has signed a professional contract with Yamamichi, who had retired from playing Splatoon 2 after winning the Splatoon 2 World Championship for two consecutive years in 2018/2019, to return as a player in Splatoon 3. He has signed a professional contract with the company.
In signing the professional contract, Yama Michiru said
PR TIMESI'm here to make Splatoon fun again!
I'm going to work hard from the very beginning, so please support me!
He also commented.
SBI e-Sports and Shinsei Financial Co., Ltd. will support Yamamichichi in all aspects of his activities, and will promote activities such as the creation of opportunities for new talent to aspire to become active on the world stage, and information dissemination activities to promote the development of the e-sports field. The company will also support all aspects of e-sports players.
Splatoon 3", the latest title after a four-year absence, will be released on September 9, 2022 (Friday) on the Nintendo Switch.
The previous title, "Splatoon 2," was so popular that it sold more than 13.3 million copies worldwide and became a huge hit on the e-sports scene.
With the addition of new items, such as new weapons and stages, "Splatoon 3" is expected to be even more exciting than the previous title.
For more information on this announcement, please visit the official SBI e-Sports website or check out Yamamichi's (@auaubabutyann) Twitter account.