Cygames presents " Granblue Fantasy" (hereafter GBF), a full-fledged smartphone RPG.
In 2021, the game attracted a lot of attention with major events in the main game and a number of unique collaboration events.
As a member of the cavalry, I met many friends (through gacha), welcomed my favorite character Siegfried (swimsuit) with a Shero ticket, and ...... received many memories from this year as well.
Our air travel continues! Let's go, Bobo Bobo! Gin-san!!!! Doraemon!
There are only a few days left in the year 2021. As all of you horsemen know, December and the New Year's holiday is a special time of year for GBF. To kick things off, the annual big event is here again this year!
Starting tomorrow, December 11 (Sat) and 12 (Sun), " GBF Fest 2021 " will be held for two days!
GBF Fest 2021" will be held on December 11 (Sat.) and 12 (Sun.)!

This year's "GBF Fest 2021" will be held in the same way as the previous year, with all programs being held without an audience and streamed online!
On the stage, we will be broadcasting live with a variety of highlights such as new information and giveaways, as well as "Past Granblue Fantasy" and "GBF Q&A" with our splendid performers!
In addition, you can't miss the GBF festival's usual super-beautiful cosplayers and the stage performances by the characters in 3D.
Stella Magna Special Live in GBF Fes 2021 ", " GBF Fes Special Character Live " where characters sing and dance, and the special show " Ao no Kiseki - Recursion & Reunion" to close the GBF Fes. Recursion & Reunion- ", the special show that closes the GBF Fes, and other popular contents of GBF Fes will be distributed!
Please check the GBF Fes 2021 official website for the timetable of each day and details of the performers!
Live Broadcast of Day 1 Distribution Page
Day2 Live Broadcast Distribution Page
GBF Night Party" will be held on the night of Day 1!
In addition, " GBF Night Party" will be held from 21:00 on 12/11 (Sat.), the 1st day of the festival!
GBF has released many character songs and image songs, and this is a special live performance of many of the divine songs sung live by gorgeous performers!
This event is usually held with a paid ticket system, but this year it will be offered for free!
There are a few precautions to follow, including the prohibition of "no filming, recording, or recording of any kind, including screenshots," so all you good horsemen are advised to check it out in advance!
For more details, please check the GBF Fest 2021 Night Party page.
Night Party Distribution Page
Official Online Store OPEN!
The official mail order site for "GBF Fes 2021" has opened on 12/3 (Fri.)!
The site will be offering a variety of new items, including the annual "Memorial Book" with serial codes for in-game items, various goods featuring the main visuals, and fashionable character image goods that can be incorporated into your daily life!
All goods will be available for purchase from 1:00 p.m. on December 11 (Sat), and pre-registration for "My Page Registration," which is necessary to use the site, is now being accepted.
If there is any merchandise you absolutely want, be sure to complete the pre-registration so that you can get it before it sells out!
On the other hand, if you are not sure whether you want to purchase the goods or not, there will be a section introducing the goods in the GBF Fest 2021 distribution, so we recommend you check it out!
For more information on precautions and terms of use, check out the GBF Fes 2021 special mail order site!
The Twelve Divine Generals of 2022, a preview of the upcoming 8th anniversary event, the latest information on GBF Versus, the follow-up to GBF Relink, and much more... ...... has a mountain of information that users want to know, but it easily exceeds what they want to know! The GBF Fest is a two-day event that is packed with events!
The two-day event is about to begin!