Finally the mobile version is here! "Apex Legends Mobile" will be released on Wednesday, May 18, 2022! The number of pre-registrations exceeded 14 million!

Finally the mobile version is here! "Apex Legends Mobile" will be released on Wednesday, May 18, 2022! The number of pre-registrations exceeded 14 million!

Electronic Arts' FPS "Apex Legends" is so popular that it is one of the most played games in the world.
In April 2021, "Apex Legends Mobile" was announced for smartphones and tablets, and pre-registration began in March 2022.
Pre-registration has begun, and we thought it was time to release the game, but finally, the release date of " Apex Legends Mobile " has been set for May 18, 2022 (Wednesday )!
This is the same day for both iOS and Android!
A cinematic trailer has been released along with the release date.

Apex Legends Mobile is now open for pre-registration!

Apex Legends Mobile Japan

Apex Legends Mobile has been optimized and innovated for mobile.
New maps, mobile-only modes, and even live events!
From now on, you can be an Apex Champion wherever you are!

Rewards based on the number of pre-registered players will be given away!

Rewards for pre-registrants
Apex Legends Mobile Japan公式Twitter

As of Wednesday, May 11, the number of pre-registered players has already surpassed 14 million!
We have already confirmed badges, banner frames, Bloodhound and R99 skins, but you don't want to miss out on the " Sunfire Initiate " Pathfinder skin that will be given away when we hit 25 million registrations!
Apex Legends Mobile is now accepting pre-registrations!
We're just a few days away from release, so pre-order from the App Store if you're on iOS, or pre-register from Google Play if you're on Android, and help us reach the 25 million mark!
We invite you to invite your friends and family to join Apex Legends Mobile.
For more information about pre-registration, please check the official page.

New Challenger appears in the trailer!


Cinematic Trailer (at 2:41)

In the cinematic trailer that was released along with the Apex Legends Mobile release date, the words "NEW CHALLENGER " appear!
Maybe it is a new legendary player exclusive to Apex Legends Mobile, or a new legendary player that will be available first on mobile.
For the latest information on Apex Legends Mobile, please check the official Japanese Twitter (@apexmobile_jp) or the official page!

Apex Legends Mobile

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