More than 1,000 signatures gathered for Banham's domestic online action RPG "BLUE PROTOCOL" to continue service.

More than 1,000 signatures gathered for Banham's domestic online action RPG "BLUE PROTOCOL" to continue service.

The online action RPG " BLUE PROTOCOL " by Namco Bandai Online and Namco Bandai Studios will end its service on January 18, 2025 (Saturday). In response to this announcement, a petition drive has begun through the online petition service """.

Sign the petition for the continuation of "BLUE PROTOCOL" service

The petition, " We petition NAMCO BANDAI STUDIO Inc. and NAMCO BANDAI ONLINE Inc. and the Blue Protocol management to postpone or withdraw the termination of the Blue Protocol service, " was launched on Friday, August 30, 2024, and at the time of writing has collected approximately 1,200 signatures. The petition has collected about 1,200 signatures at the time of writing.

The petitions include " There is no replacement for Blue Protocol " and " The game is too good to lose, especially with animated characters of this quality . The petition received comments from supporters such as " There is no replacement for BullPro," "It' s too bad to lose it, especially since no other game allows you to create your own characters with this quality of animation, " and " I felt hopeful about the changes in the anniversary year, so I wish they would at least give it another 6 months.

A similar petition has also been started in English-speaking countries, again highlighting the high level of interest in the game. If you agree with the petition, please sign the petition at

Some quotes from the petition's page

I feel sadness, loneliness, and emptiness when I heard that the service will end on January 18, 2025. I believe that the above is felt not only by me personally, but also by many users of Blue Protocol. Blue Protocol has become an important tool and part of our lives. However, I accept the reality that there are problems. We understand that it is difficult to postpone or withdraw the termination of service. This plea may be pointless. Therefore, I wrote the title with a prayer for a miracle. I am strongly attracted to your company, which has been close to users and has now given them a grace period to enjoy the game until January, and to the attitude of your management, especially Mr. Suzuki, Mr. Shimooka, and Mr. Fukuzaki, who have created a wonderful work and sincerely deal with users. I would like to send my thanks and encouragement to everyone involved in this game. And I am convinced that Blue Protocol has the charm and the potential infinite possibilities that I have been so fascinated with. I believe that if we have the funds and time, it can become even more wonderful with development and adjustments. If you think so, please support us.
BLUE PROTOCOL" Songs Collection "Beyond the Stars/Basilian Chant

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