Bocklin and hidden kolog appeared! A new video of "Zelda Musou: The Apocalypse of Misfortune" is released!

Bocklin and hidden kolog appeared! A new video of "Zelda Musou: The Apocalypse of Misfortune" is released!

Nintendo Switch " Zelda Warriors: Apocalypse of Evil " to be released on November 20, 2020 (Friday).
A weekly video titled "Unknown Memories from 100 Years Ago" reveals what the characters in "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" looked like 100 years ago.
Those who have played "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" may be especially looking forward to the release of the new "Unknown 100 Year Old Memories. I'm looking forward to it too!
And now, a new video has been released, revealing the appearance of that guy who has been hiding in various places!

The video also shows the Seeker Stone being used by a heroic figure!

In the newly released video, " Unknown Memories from 100 Years Ago [3]," we see Link fighting with a spear, two-handed sword, and boomerang, as well as a child of the Korog tribe that was hidden all over the world in "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Bokurin.
The Seeker Stone is also shown in action, as well as a scene in which someone other than Link uses the Seeker Stone's function.
We will be looking for the Korog again, but this time we will be curious to see what good will come of the search.

And we also see Miffer using the Ice Maker, Reval using the Vitalock, Zelda using the Remote Control Bakudan, and Impa using the Magne Catch.
Zelda's Remote Control Bakudan and Impa's Magne Catch in particular look very different from those used by Link... but I'm curious!
With only a month to go until the game's release, it might be a good time to get back to playing "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" and look forward to the additional information that will be coming soon!
For more information, please check the official website of "Zelda Warriors: Revelation of Evil"!

Zelda Warriors: Apocalypse of Evil - Switch

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