I went to a KURAND media-only tasting of new products!


Kurando, a company that always provides alcoholic beverages to the Saiga NAK editorial team of sake lovers, invited us to attend a media-only tasting of their new products! As more and more offline events are being held at After Corona, it is important to be able to "sample" the new products. We were able to sample carefully selected sake from the more than 30 new products that are released each month.


We tasted the following four sakes.

  • Source Code (Sake)
  • Shirokuma Rock (Sake)
  • Nighttime Craft Cola (Premium Sour Base)
  • Cherry Blossom, Strawberry and Cherry Peach (Liqueur)

Source Code

Source Code
Saiga NAK

Source Code " is a Japanese sake from Yamagata Prefecture, priced at 1,990 yen (tax included) for 720ml. On the label is a JavaScript code that, when executed, plays a trick. In fact, they say there is a spelling mistake, which you will find out when you run it. A playful spirit that turns even mistakes into entertainment, nice. If you are interested, buy it and run it!

Source code poured into a glass
Saiga NAK

The taste is rich and mellow, but the aftertaste is clean. You can feel the strength characteristic of dryness when it leaves the nose.

Polar Bear Rock

Polar Bear Rocks p
oured into a glass
Saiga NAK

Polar Bear Rock is a Japanese sake from Gifu Prefecture, priced at 2,490 yen (tax included) for 720ml. The label is made with light-storing ink, and when it glows in the dark, the instrument appears and turns into a rock figure.

Polar Bear Rock poured into a glass
Saiga NAK

This is a slightly different kind of sake, a sake that is specially designed to be served on the rocks. It is sweet, but drinking it on the rocks gives it a cool and refreshing taste. Because it is supposed to be drunk on the rocks, the strength is a little high. It can be drunk in large gulps, so be careful not to drink too much.

Nighttime Craft Cola

Craft Cola at night poured into a glass
Saiga NAK

Yoru no Kraft Cola " is a premium sour base from Wakayama Prefecture and is priced at 2,990 yen (tax included) for 500 ml. It is painted in gold on a navy background, reminiscent of the night sky.

Kraft Cola at night poured into a glass
Saiga NAK

The aroma is quite spicy. Curry? Food? Drink? and it is so confusing that the author's brain can't process it. It is a rather unusual craft cola drink, made with plum wine as its base, and even though it is a cola, it has a plum wine feel to it.

Cherry Blossom, Strawberry and Cherry Peach

Cherry Blossoms, Strawberries and Cherry Peaches
Saiga NAK

Sakura , Strawberry and Cherry Peach " is a premium sour base from Iwate Prefecture, priced at 3,990 yen (tax included) for a 500 ml bottle.

I personally like the exquisite balance between the pop impression of the strawberry and cherry blossoms and the crisp text.

The cherry blossoms are pickled in salt, and although sweet, the saltiness adds a nice accent. Because of its robust flavor, it is good to drink while slowly chewing the flavor. Since no coloring or additives are used, the flavor of the ingredients is preserved. Straight drinking is recommended.

All-you-can-drink at night

At "SAKE MARKET Shinjuku," the venue for the tasting, you can enjoy all-you-can-drink sake, fruit sake, plum wine, and shochu (about 100 kinds) at a reasonable price of 3,600 yen (including tax) for unlimited time during the evening hours.

Refrigerator installed in the restaurant
Saiga NAK

The refrigerator is filled with a wide variety of alcoholic beverages.

Umeshu and Shochu Corner
Saiga NAK

Umeshu (plum wine) and shochu (distilled spirit) that can be stored at room temperature are displayed here.

meshu and Shochu Corner
Saiga NAK

Water, soda water and ice are available so you can mix and drink as you like. There is a glass washer so you can wash your glass every time you change your sake.

To be held in the future

Mr. Toyama
Saiga NAK

In all of Japan, the number of sake breweries is decreasing year by year. There are many hidden sake breweries that continue to produce high quality sake, and we are happy to be able to learn about them through our collaboration with KURAND. I understand that they are planning to hold more sake tasting events in the future, and I would like to participate again if the opportunity arises. The sake we tasted this time can be purchased at " KURAND ", so please try the products you are interested in!