MarioKart Tour set to be Released September 25th

MarioKart Tour set to be Released September 25th

With their release of their puzzle game version of Doctor Mario in July, Nintendo has been putting a lot of effort into smartphone games. Keeping with the trend, the world renowned company has finally set a date to the delayed mobile Mario Kart game, set to be called Mario Kart Tour!

Nintendo announces smartphone app"Dr. Mario World"!

Official Twitter Announcement

Mario Kart Tour
Mario Kart Tour
Mario Kart Tour Official Twitter Account

The game has been under closed beta for a while, but with videos of the game getting leaked out to the public, rumors and speculation that an official release was near started to emerge. The official site even had "Coming Summer 2019" written on it.
Then we get to August. Almost the end of August in fact. So... Summer's almost over, where's the game? Which is what a lot of us started to think until Nintendo announced the release of the game today on the Mario Kart Tour Official Twitter Account for the 25th of September!
Most people would probably ask "is that even summer?" If it's still hot, then yeah, maybe...? (Technically it's two days after the official start of Fall... but who's counting?)
Let's just hope it doesn't get pushed back again!


Mario Kart Tour
Mario Kart Tour Official Twitter Account

Nintendo has started pre-registration for the game, which will be downloaded to your phone when it hits the app store!
iPhone users can pre-register for the game on the App Store, and Android users can register on the Google Play Store.
Be sure to register to be one of the first to get their hands on the game!
We're definitely excited to try the game out, and very curious about the portrait mode play-style! Stay posted for more updates from Saiga NAK!

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