Special distribution by 10 "Rainbow Six Siege" broadcasters will be released from 21:00 on Friday, August 6!

Special distribution by 10 "Rainbow Six Siege" broadcasters will be released from 21:00 on Friday, August 6!

Rainbow Six Siege "Containment" limited time PvP event will be held from August 3 to August 24!
Inspired by the upcoming "Rainbow Six Extraction", the event will feature the new game mode "Nest Destruction" set in the "Consulate", a map occupied by the Chimera Parasite. The event is set in the Consulate, a map occupied by the Chimera Parasite.
Check out the official Rainbow Six Siege website for more information!

Special distribution will be held to commemorate the event!



To commemorate the limited time event "CONTAINMENT", "R6S Special Delivery - CONTAINMENT" will be held!
The event will be broadcast live on August 6 (Fri.) from 21:00 on Rainbow Six's official YouTube, Twitch, and each distributor's channel.

Event Outline

Event Name R6S Special Delivery -CONTAINMENT
Date of distribution Friday, August 6, from 21:00
Viewing channel YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QiVO1-VLnU Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/rainbow6jp


Walnut Team

Yakumo Team

MC & Assistants

MC : Tomozo (@tom85y )
Assistant : Mika Nonomiya (@nonomiyamika )

There will also be a giveaway!


The "R6S Special Distribution - CONTAINMENT - PC Giveaway Campaign" will be held at this event. How to participate will be announced in the broadcast, so don't miss it!
For more information, check out the official Ubisoft blog!

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