Genshin Impact Version 4.0 Update! New Nation 'Fontaine' Unveiled & Event Wishes Launched

Genshin Impact Version 4.0 Update! New Nation 'Fontaine' Unveiled & Event Wishes Launched

Genshin Impact continues to expand its adventurous world with stunning graphics, open-ended gameplay and cross-platform compatible multiplayer. The Version 4.0 update entitled 'As Light Rain Falls Without Reason' was released on August 16th, 2023. The new nation Fontaine is now accessible, introducing the new ★5 character Lyney (Pyro) and offering a wealth of new storylines and events.

Version 4.0 'As Light Rain Falls Without Reason' Update


On August 16, 2023, HoYoverse released the highly anticipated Version 4.0 update, 'As Light Rain Falls Without Reason,' for the cross-platform role-playing game, Genshin Impact. The update brings the long-awaited new nation Fontaine, introduces the new ★5 character Lyney (Pyro) and the new ★4 character Lynette (Anemo). It also introduces several new storylines and events.。

New Nation 'Fontaine' Unveiled


As of the August 16th, 2023 update, the long-awaited new nation Fontaine will be in play.
Ruled by Focalors, the current Hydron Archon and the God of Justice, Fontaine is a nation that flourishes with culture and advanced technology.
One of Fontaine's distinctive features is the unique power known as Indemnitium. This energy is employed to fuel aquabuses and illuminate homes, thus becoming an essential aspect of people's daily lives.
The Indemnitium is generated through the process of trial by the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale, which harvests the people's belief in justice. Consequently, these trials have become significant public events, featuring diverse performances at the Opera Epiclese.


Upon completing the Archon Quest Prologue Act III: 'Song of the Dragon and Freedom,' a teleport waypoint will unlock in the northeastern part of the Sumeru Desert. This waypoint enables access to Fontaine via the Aquabus. Furthermore, specific regions within Fontaine provide opportunities for underwater adventures. Here, travelers can acquire new combat skills, encounter novel creatures and mechanisms, and uncover concealed narratives, enigmas, and historical accounts concealed within the ocean's depths. The complete array of these encounters awaits travelers as they embark on their journey.

New Character Wish Available ★5 Lyney (Pyro) & ★4 Lynette (Anemo)

Beginning with the update on August 16, 2023, the character event quest 'Conjuring Chiaroscuro' and the character event quest 2 'Discoverer of Mysteries' are taking place.
During this event wish, the ★5 character Lyney (Pyro), the 4-star characters Lynette (Anemo), Bennett (Pyro), and Barbara (Hydro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!

Character Event Wish 'Conjuring Chiaroscuro'

  • Duration:After the Version 4.0 update—2023/9/5 18:59 (JST)

(★5)Lyney: Spectacle of Phantasmagoria


  • Vision: Pyro
  • Weapon: Bow
  • A famed Fontainian magician who prossesses great stage presence as well as gift of the gab. Audiences are enthralled by his exquisite skills, and they hang on to his every clever word.

(★4)Lynette: Elegance in the Shadows


  • Vision: Anemo
  • Weapon: Sword
  • A magic assistant of few words, her emotions are as inscrutable as any cat's.

(★4) Bennett

  • Vision: Pyro
  • Weapon: Sword

(★4) Barbara

  • Vision: Hydro
  • Weapon: Catalyst

Character Event Wish 2 'Discerner of Enigmas'

  • Duration:After the Version 4.0 update—2023/9/5 18:59 (JST)

(★5) Yelan: Valley Orchid

  • Vision: Hydro
  • Weapon: Bow

Event Wish 'Epitome Invocation'


After the update on August 16, 2023, the Event Wish 'Epitome Invocation' is taking place.
During the event wish, the event-exclusive ★5 weapons The First Great Magic (Bow) and Aqua Simulacra (Bow) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!

  • Duration:After the Version 4.0 update—2023/9/5 18:59 (JST)
  • Weapon(★5):The First Great Magic (Bow), Aqua Simulacra (Bow)
  • Weapon(★4):Sacrificial Sword (Sword), Favonius Greatsword (Claymore), Favonius Lance (Polearm), Sacrificial Fragments (Catalyst), and Sacrificial Bow (Bow)

New Quest Notices

New Story Unlocked - Archon Quest Chapter IV


Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act I 'Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur' and Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act II 'As Light Rain Without Reason' are now open.
After reaching the required quest rank and completing the required mission, the Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act I 'Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur' and Chapter IV: Act II 'As Light Rain Falls Without Reason' from the Archon Quest will become available.

You've learned many new things about the world and benefited greatly from your trip to Sumeru. What significance, then, will your next stop — Fontaine, the Nation of Justice and Judgment — have for your journey through Teyvat?


Unlock Criteria

  • Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act I 'Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur'
    • Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above
    • Complete Archon Quest Chapter III: Act VI "Caribert"
  • Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act II 'As Light Rain Falls Without Reason'
    • Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above
    • Complete Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act I "Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur"

Lyney's Story Quest 'Felis Fuscus Chapter'


Lyney's story quest 'Felis Fuscus Chapter' was released after the update on August 16, 2023.

Quest Unlock Criteria

  • Adventure Rank 40 or above
  • Complete Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act II "As Light Rain Falls Without Reason"

New Event

'The Curtain Never Falls on Magic' Event: Take Part to Invite ★4 Lynette (Anemo)


The event "The Curtain Never Falls on Magic" began on August 16, 2023 (after the version 4.0 update).
Once you have met the requirements, you can invite ★4 Lynette (Anemo).


  • Adventure Rank 25 or above

'Relic Records: Creations of the Hydro Nation' Event


From August 16, 2023 after the update until August 28, 2023 at 16:59 JST, the 'Relic Records: Creations of the Hydro Nation' is underway.
During the event, complete each exploration mission to receive event rewards!


  • Adventure Rank 20 or above
  • Unlock any Statue of The Seven in Fontaine

Since the launch of the service in September 2020, the open-world RPG Genshin Impact has become one of the most played game titles worldwide.
With the opening of the new nation 'Fontaine' and Event Wishes in this update, the momentum continues to build!
For more information, please visit the official Genshin Impact website.

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