Kochi esports Association become an general incorporated association with YouTuber なな姉 as their PR

Founded in 2018, Kochi esports Association (高知県eスポーツ協会) held a press conference on 2th April, 2019. They announced its new development plan as a general incorporated association to focus more on game broadcast.

Gaming YouTuber なな姉 will be their new PR

As a female game broadcasting YouTuberなな姉(Original name:池 七海)becomes the PR of Kochi esports Association. She will join with the association to promote the Kochi Prefecture and e-sports culture. She also posted her business card as PR on her Twitter.

Please stay focus on Kochi esports Association.

Reference Links for Kochi esports Association

Kochi esports Association's Homepage https://kochiesports.jimdofree.com/
Kochi esports Association's Twitter https://twitter.com/kochi_esports
なな姉's Twitter https://twitter.com/Nyqlee
なな姉's YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/NYALEE73