Finally "Yagami-an" appeared! Kof XV's new character trailer released!

Finally "Yagami-an" appeared! Kof XV's new character trailer released!

SNK's latest title in the KOF series, " THE K ING OF FIGHTERS XV " (KOF XV), is scheduled for release within 2021.
In the last issue, a character trailer for the popular " Nikaido Benimaru " was released, and it was announced that he would be joining the " Hero Team " along with "Shun'ei" and "Meitengun".
As one would expect, when a team is announced, the KOF atmosphere begins to emerge at once.
We were looking forward to seeing what characters would be announced next, but on February 4, 2021 (Thursday), a new character trailer will be released! At last, that popular character will be joining the game!

Remember this every time you see the moon! Iori Yagami's entry!

This time, a character trailer has been released for " Iori Y agami", a popular character not only in the KOF series, but also in SNK's entire lineup !
He first appeared in KOF 95 and was a rival to the main character "Kyo Kusanagi" at the time, and his fashion, skills, and character quickly made him a popular character.
As SNK fans know, Iori Yagami has a lot of elements!
Not only the unique characters and fashions, but also the "Blood Runaway" that changes the controls, the bassist of a band, the buckwheat noodles served in official goods, the "Miss X" in the sailor suit of a skeleton, the reincarnation in another world in the manga, etc.... In the manga, she is reincarnated in another world.
But one thing we can say about him is that he is a very cool character! And strong!
I always include "Iori Yagami" in the team edit.
From the character trailer, it looks like he will be able to use his familiar special moves, so I have no doubt that he will be a highly used character in KOF XV as well!

Yagami hermitage

Yagami hermitage

New information will be released next week!

This trailer also ends with a " Tune in next week for more info! "
Shun'ei", "Meitenkun", "Nikaido Benimaru", and then the "Hero Team" was announced, so will the next and the next character to be revealed be the one who will team up with "Yagami An"? I can't imagine it at all! I have no idea!
Normally, the trailer would be released on Thursday, February 11, but February 11 is a national holiday. When will the trailer be released? Let's wait for further news!

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