Light Co., Ltd. has launched " Uladrasil " for iOS and Android! This is a mahjong battle game that allows players to enjoy real-time one-on-one online battles.
Mahjong Battle "Uladrasil" Available for iOS and Android

On Wednesday, March 13, 2024, the online mahjong battle game "Uladrasil" was released for App Store and Google Play.

Uladrasil" is an application that allows players to casually enjoy real-time one-on-one mahjong battles. Unlike the general mahjong rules, each player can create their own yaku from the 136 tiles available to them. The player who can create a yaku first wins the game by dealing damage according to the yaku.
Will you use a light Yaku to deter your opponent or a heavy Yaku to turn the tables on him? The best choice is made based on a quick calculation of each player's strength and the situation of their opponents.
Each Janshi (character) in your team has a unique skill. There are various types, such as locking the opponent's tiles so that they cannot be discarded or changing Tsumo. A special release commemorative gacha with a 10% Jancy appearance rate is currently being held, so now is the time to get started!
1,420 Uladora chips and 20,000 Jansy coins are being distributed in-game until 1:59 p.m. on Tuesday, April 30, 2024! Use them to draw gacha and train Jansy to improve your rank!
For more information on the game, please visit the official "Uladrasil" website, official X (@uradrasil ), and the official YouTube channel " Uladrasil [Official] ". A Steam version will be released on March 15, 2024 (Friday).