The puzzled expression is irresistible ...! DoaxvV "Tsukushi" Two coordinates "Stella Scorpion" and "Jewel Opal" appeared in commemoration of birthday!


Tsukushi (CV. Mariya Sashiide) is the newest member of the Dead or Alive series "DOAXVV" (DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation). Two new birthday commemorative outfits, "Stella Scorpion" for Scorpio and "Jewel Opal" for her birthstone, are now available.

In the video uploaded on the official YouTube page, the birthday present is a "rear event," and the girl seems confused but happy.

Promide to be opened

The "Stella Scorpion" and "Jewel Opal" Trend Codes Gacha, which are being held to celebrate Tsukushi's birthday, will be open until 23:59 on October 30 (Fri.).
The following promo items are available.


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