New information on "Bio" and "Monhan"! E3 2021 "Capcom Showcase" Announcement Summary!

New information on "Bio" and "Monhan"! E3 2021 "Capcom Showcase" Announcement Summary!

E3 2021," the world's largest video game festival, was held online this year.
The event was held in Los Angeles, California from June 12, 2021 (Saturday) to June 15, 2021 (Tuesday) (local time), and a tremendous amount of information was announced each day, sending game fans around the world into a frenzy.

In this article, we will introduce a summary of what was announced at the Capcom E3 2021 Showcase, which was distributed at 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 (Japan time)!

Many new information on popular titles! Summary of announcements!

Capcom is a Japanese company that is loved around the world and has attracted a lot of attention among many game makers.
Let's check out again the titles that were presented and the new information that was released during the event!

Resident Evil Village

Resident Evil Village " has been played all over the world since its release last month and has been highly acclaimed.
In response to the passionate requests from many fans, we have decided to release a new version of the game. Additional downloadable content will be created! The game is now available for download.
No details have been announced yet, so stay tuned for more information!

In addition, a part of a play movie of " Resident Evil RE: Birth ", an online-only title that anyone who purchases "Resident Evil Village" can play for free, has been released!
This online game will allow players to control popular characters from the "Resident Evil" series and compete against other players, and is scheduled to be released in July 2021.

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Doom

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Doom " will be released on July 9, 2021 (Friday) for Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows. The latest PV is now on view! The game will be released on July 9, 2021 (Friday) for Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows.

A demo version of the game, which allows users to transfer their save data to the full version, will also be distributed!
The Nintendo Switch version is scheduled to be distributed first, on June 25, 2021 (Friday). The Steam version will be available on July 9, 2021 (Friday).

Furthermore, it has been announced that Otomo Garuku from " Monster Hunter Rise " will be added as Otomon "Garuku" in the first free title update scheduled for July 15, 2021 (Thursday).
After the release of the game, the company plans to implement multiple free title updates, adding new content each time.
We can't wait for the release date!

Monster Hunter Rise.

Monster Hunter Rise" has shipped over 7 million units worldwide (including downloadable versions) as of May 2021, and a video introducing the June and July updates has been released!
Here is a summary of the information presented in the video.

The first CAPCOM collaboration event quest with "Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Doom " will be released on Friday, June 18, 2021! You can obtain the Otomo Airou equipment of Tsukino, a character from "Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Doom.
In addition, the title update will be released on June 24, 2021 (Thursday ). Ver. 3.1" will be distributed! The title update is now available! In addition to multiple event quests, a variety of downloadable content will be available, including new layered equipment and gestures.

Also, CAPCOM collaboration event quests are scheduled to appear at the end of July and August, respectively!
Check out the official Monster Hunter Rise Twitter for more info!

Ace Attorney 1 & 2 -Narihodo Ryunosuke no Hozoku to Kakugo

From the "Ace Attorney" series, which is also popular overseas, the English version of "Great Ace Attorney 1 & 2 - Narihodo Ryunosuke no Hukaku to Kakugo," scheduled for release on July 29, 2021 (Thursday), has been released with play footage and more beautiful animation footage.
This is the first time that the "Ace Attorney" series has been released outside of Japan, and the game system was introduced in detail.
The video shown in the streaming video was in English text and English audio, but a new video in Japanese will be released in the near future.

For more information on each title, check the official website and SNS!

This "Capcom E3 2021 Showcase" was only for the U.S. and European markets, but the main information was about games that were released on the same day in Japan and updates to games that are currently being distributed, so I have the impression that Japanese users will be happy with the information!
The information is updated on the official Japanese website and SNS for each title, so if you want to know more details, please check each title's announcement page!

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