Level Infinite and SHIFT UP's " Goddess of Victory: NIKKE " (NIKKE), the back-stabbing gun-girl RPG, has announced the release of its latest version, "ONE MORE TIME". The latest version of "NIKKE" will feature a new SSR NIKKE "Bey" and a new story event "ONE MORE TIME".
SSR Nike "Bey", a cheerleader, will appear!

In the latest version of "ONE MORE TIME", a new SSR Nike "Bey" (CV: Yu Serizawa), who is active as a cheerleader, will appear. Bey is a Nike who can increase the survivability of her allies. It increases and heals the HP of its own shields. It also distributes the damage taken by all Nike and its own shields, increasing the survivability of its allies.

- Class: Defensive
- Weapon: Victory Fanfare (RL)
- Code: Burning
- Company: Tetra Line
The SSR Nike "Bey" will be available from Thursday, April 11, 2024 (after maintenance) to Wednesday, April 24, 2024 (23:59). Get "bays" that specialize in supporting your allies and strengthen your troops. You can also try out the new "Bey" by using the "Temporary Join-Up" function in the game. You can try out the new "bays" by joining your squads at the "Union Firing Range" in the game to see how they perform and how they feel to operate. The trial play period is from April 11, 2024 (Thursday) to April 24, 2024 (Wednesday) at 23:59.
New Story Event "ONE MORE TIME
By participating in the new story event "ONE MORE TIME" and clearing the stage, you can win exclusive items for the event. The items can be exchanged for various rewards such as recruiting tickets and skill training materials at the event store. There will also be a new "Challenge Stage" where you can take on a high difficulty boss stage.
PR TIMESBey participated in the "Arc Cheerleading Championships. She competes in the qualifying competition, but her score is the lowest in the team's history. Bay decided to make up for it in the finals! He and his team member, Clay, fight hard to win the championship at the finals.
The event period is from April 11, 2024 (Thursday) after maintenance until April 24, 2024 (Wednesday) at 23:59.
7Days Login Event "COLORFUL CHEER UP
During the event period, daily rewards will be given for logging in every day for up to 7 days. If you log in for 7 days in a row, you can get a wealth of rewards such as high-level recruiting tickets and training materials, so be sure to get all the rewards. The event will run from Thursday, April 11, 2024 (after maintenance) to Wednesday, April 24, 2024 (23:59).
The story event "RED ASH" has been added to the archive!
The story event "RED ASH" will be added to the archive after the maintenance on Thursday, April 11, 2024. By participating in the latest story event "ONE MORE TIME", you will receive a "memory film" that will unlock the archived story event "RED ASH". So, let's proceed with the story event "ONE MORE TIME" first.
Weekend Limited FULL BURST DAY Event!
A weekend-only FULL BURST DAY event will be held from April 20, 2024 (Sat) 5:00 to April 22, 2024 (Mon) 4:59. During the event, the amount of rewards earned in intercept battles and simulation rooms will be doubled, so don't miss this opportunity.
New contents "Side Story" will be implemented.
Side Story", a permanent content that allows players to enjoy stories derived from the main storyline, will be implemented. The side story is a fully voiced story content that focuses on the story of Nike. To participate, players must clear the normal stage 6-15 of the main chapter.
The game is gearing up to celebrate its 1.5 year anniversary with the release of the new SSR NIKKE "Bey", new events, and an official anniversary live broadcast on April 20, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Follow the official NIKKE website and official X (@NIKKE_japan ) to get the latest information.
Information about the booth at "Nico Nico Cho-Kaigi 2024" is now available!
NIKKE will have a booth at the "Nico Nico Ultra Conference 2024" to be held on April 27 (Sat.) and 28 (Sun.), 2024, and the booth image has been released. The booth will feature a "Real 10-round Gacha" with cosplayers dressed as popular characters, a "Commander Training Area" where visitors can train to fight off Raptors, and a "Wish Tree" where visitors can hang their wishes and thoughts about NIKKE. There will also be a "Wish Tree" where you can hang your wishes for NIKKE, a "Fan Art Museum" where fan art submitted by commanders will be displayed, and many other events. This year's booth will be different from those at previous Nico Nico Cho-Kaigi events, so if you plan to attend the event, be sure to visit the booth.