First labor-based TypeB support office "ONEGAME" opens in Gunma

First labor-based TypeB support office "ONEGAME" opens in Gunma

One Life Co., Ltd. which operates welfare services for people with disabilities mainly in Gunma Prefecture, announced that it will open "ONEGAME", a Type B support center specializing in "e-sports" in June 2020.

New Possibilities with e-Sports and Disabilities

One Life Co., Ltd. was one of the first companies to introduce e-sports to people with disabilities, and the company's iba-sho lifestyle support center offers programs that allow people with disabilities to pursue their dreams and hopes through e-sports while dealing with their handicaps.
The facility has equipment tailored to each individual's disability and assigns specialized coaches to help them train to become professionals.
On August 31, 2019, they held Japan's first e-sports tournament for people with disabilities using the online battle game "League of Legends" with a prize of \1 million JPY.
The newly opened "ONEGAME" will be Japan's first Type B employment support center specializing in e-sports.

Three courses to choose from

"ONEGAME" offers three courses to meet the needs of each individual.
You can learn at your own pace with a comfortable schedule, and progress toward your goals.

Athlete Course

Learn the art of winning the hearts of audiences with your best performance.

  • The system sets ONEGAME ranks, and users of the facilities in the athletes' course can move up the ranks by completing each task one by one.
  • The ONEGAME system allows users to visualize their own abilities to clarify their goal setting for the next step and improve their own playing techniques.

Event Course

Learn the art of creating entertainment spaces that move both players and audiences

  • Discuss what is needed to complete a single entertainment event as a team, and learn planning skills to produce a large number of plans.
  • Learn the set-up techniques necessary to set up an event from scratch, while learning about the equipment needed to set up a variety of events.
  • Students will be able to play an active role as a member of the event setup and management team for regularly held ONEGAME events.

Live Commentary MC Course

Learn the skills to enthuse event audiences with the world view created by your voice.

  • By getting to know the game in depth, you will learn "what is happening in the game?" and "what is great about the game?" "What's going on in the game?", learn the expressive skills to use your voice to communicate to others.
  • By practicing their expressive skills through live game delivery, participants will learn the use of language and the joy of communicating games.
  • You can play an active role as an event setup and management team for the regularly held ONEGAME competitions.

Presenting a new field of activity

ONEGAME, a support center for Type B continuous labor support, believes that e-sports will become "a new place where able-bodied people can compete on an equal footing with able-bodied people on a larger stage" in the future.
ONEGAME aims to break down the barriers between able-bodied people and people with disabilities in the world of e-sports, and to eventually become an organization that can represent Japan.
For more information, please visit the official website of "ONEGAME", a support center for Type B continuous labor support.

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