The open beta for the console version of VALORANT begins Saturday, July 27! You will receive a beta-only player guard!

The open beta for the console version of VALORANT begins Saturday, July 27! You will receive a beta-only player guard!

RYAT Games has announced that the open beta for the console version of its free-to-play tactical FPS " VALORANT " will begin on Saturday, July 27, 2024. The open beta will take place in Japan, the United States, Canada, Europe and Brazil.

About "VALORANT" Console Version

The console version of "VALORANT" will be played with a controller instead of the traditional controller and mouse. There are no plans to implement cross-play between the PC and console versions of the game, but VALORANT players on PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PS5 will be able to share their inventory and game progress by linking to their VALORANT account. Balancing patches, new agents, maps, premium content, and additional live service features will be released simultaneously for all platforms, both PC and console.

Console version of "VALORANT" open beta begins!


The console version of VALORANT is currently in open beta starting Saturday, July 27, 2024. This open beta, as well as the limited beta, will take place in Japan, the United States, Canada, Europe, and Brazil.

You can download VALORANT from the Microsoft or PlayStation store. To play, you will need to link your Riot account to your Xbox or PlayStation account, so if you have an account, link it. If you don't have a Riot account yet, create one from the official RiotGames website.

Target Platforms

  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PlayStation5

Participation Rewards!

Everyone who logs into VALORANT on PC or console during the open beta will receive a special player card. Log in to get your special player card. For other FAQs including details on how to play, please check the official page for the console version Open Beta.

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