In recent years, MonHun has been focusing on three-dimensional action that also takes advantage of the vertical direction, and the latest title, " Monster Hunter Rise," maintains the MonHun-like action with the appeal of exhilarating action using flying bugs.
However, the controller controls have become more and more complicated, and in particular, the camera controls to capture the monster on screen while using the flying bugs require a certain degree of familiarity.
But now, the long-awaited Steam version of "Monster Hunter Rise" has been announced!
The game has been optimized for keyboard and mouse operation as well as controller operation.
I can't wait to play it!
So, I had a chance to play the Steam version of "Monster Hunter Rise" at the Capcom booth at the TGS2021 offline venue!
Monster Hunter Rise for Steam Play Report!

We were provided with an MSI ultrawide display to try out the game.
I was jealous of how much better than my home environment it was, but I started playing in normal ratio for screen recording.
Of course, we also filmed the ultra-wide MonHun Rise, so please read on until the end!
Game screenshots are from the development stage.
The game screen is under development.
The ShoMushrooms that we always use as a matter of course are different!
Camera operation with the mouse is the same as in a general PC game.
You can also accurately move the sight of the flying bugs!
The game screen is under development.
Gulk's fur looks amazing!
The Nintendo Switch version has also been praised for its short loading times and good graphics, but the Steam version is beyond imagination as a matter of course.
The game screen is under development.
Osaizuchi's fur is amazing!
I can't help but be impressed by the fur of all the monsters.
Although not included in this DEMO version, I personally would like to see Narugakuruga in a water-stricken state!
The game screen is still under development.
Even the author has not completed the entire game.
It was my first attempt at mouse-and-keyboard play, but I managed to clear the game!
The game screen is under development.
I was thinking, "This is the second person after Utahiroba-san to clear the game using a keyboard and mouse," according to a Capcom staff member.
Speaking of Golden Bomber's Utahiroba (@junjunmjgirly), he was at this year's Tokyo Game Show 2021 for all four days, and is well known for his love of MonHun.
We had planned to stop here, but Capcom kindly allowed us to play "Monster Hunter Rise" on their ultra-wide display!
The only video I was able to see this time was the opening, but I'd love to see the movie of the monster's first appearance on Steam again!
Garuku looks calm and relaxed.
I can see it, can't I?
The map is at a level where you could project it all the time and it wouldn't get in the way at all!
The author decided to play again with the super beautiful graphics!
I've played "Monster Hunter Rise" for about 500 hours, but this test drive has convinced me to buy the Steam version...!
I can't help but buy it if I can enjoy the ultra-beautiful graphics with swaying grass and fluttering hair, and the smooth action with unlimited frame rate.
If you like playing around with different equipment combinations and taking screenshots using fukuzuku, you're sure to have a blast!
A free trial version will be available from October 14, 2021 (Friday), so be sure to give it a try!
Monster Hunter Rise" will also include the super-sized DLC " Sun Break," which includes the new monster " Mel Xena " and the resurrected monster " Shogun G izami.
The Shogun Gizami will be carrying the head shell of a gravimos on its back.
The recent MonHun titles have been losing its position to Basalmos, but will it be back? This is the topic that I am most interested in at the moment.
For more information, check the official Monster Hunter Rise website and Twitter account!