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Nintendo Switch "Jump Rope Challenge" Distributed for free!

Nintendo Switch

The lack of exercise due to the long period of self-restraint from going out has become a problem.
If you are trying to get rid of the weight gain caused by the self-restraint, your immune system will be weakened if you are forced to eat a restricted diet, and you may not be able to go to crowded places even if you want to exercise.
Jumping rope, which was easy to do as a child, is actually a full-body exercise, so it's a great way to lose weight and get a good workout as an adult.
However, you need a space to spin the rope to jump rope, or you are about to buy a rope for jumping rope.......then we recommend a new software for Nintendo Switch!
It's called "Jump Rope Challenge", which allows you to jump rope using your Joy-Cons!

Let's jump with Joy-Con in both hands!

In the "Jump Rope Challenge", you hold the left and right Joy-Con in each hand, and do the "Air Rope Jump" while rotating your hands as if you were jumping rope.

ジャンプロープ チャレンジ
Jump Rope Challenge

Although you are not holding the rope, your body movements are the same as those of a jump rope, so you can get almost the same exercise effect as a jump rope.
When you achieve the goal, a flower or "something" will bloom in the flowerpot on the right side, but you will have to see for yourself what blooms in addition to the flower!

ジャンプロープ チャレンジ
Jump Rope Challenge

The number of jumps and the time required for each jump will be recorded and

ジャンプロープ チャレンジ
Jump Rope Challenge

The number of jumps and the time required for each day are recorded and displayed on a line graph, so you can easily see the results if you continue for a long period of time.

ジャンプロープ チャレンジ
Jump Rope Challenge

Continuation is the key to everything, so take it easy and set a goal of 100 jumps per day at first.
As you get better, you can increase the target number of times, so you may want to increase the number of times according to your physical strength and muscle power.

ジャンプロープ チャレンジ
Jump Rope Challenge

You can play inside your house since there is no need to turn the rope, but if you are concerned about vibration to the times below or noise when playing late at night in an apartment complex, you can operate it by simply doing bending exercises or arm turns without jumping.
Aside from bending over, though, just turning the arms is indeed less of a workout.

You can also share a Joy-Con to play with two other players, so even if you're not good at exercising, let's work together to get to 100!

ジャンプロープ チャレンジ
Jump Rope Challenge

Free for a limited time!

The "Jump Rope Challenge" is available for free until Wednesday, September 30, 2020!
You can jump rope by yourself, with friends, or with your family to get exercise at your stay-home, with a goal in mind!
Why don't you start jumping rope today, which is surprisingly tiring but gives you a sense of accomplishment?
For more information, please visit Nintendo's website or download from My Nintendo Store!

Joy-Con (L) Blue / (R) Neon Yellow
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