The pressure of Popuko and Phi Phi Beauty is amazing! Poptepipic's virtual background is being distributed for free!


Up until now, quite a few companies and individuals have been distributing free virtual backgrounds for use in videoconferences.
Just when we thought they had all been distributed, the creator of " POPTEPIC ", Bukubu Okawa, started distributing free virtual backgrounds on his Twitter account!

Let's make people think, "What's the situation now? Let's make people think "What's going on now?"!

The image distributed this time shows a chair illuminated by lights surrounded by "POPTEPIC" characters POPUKO with a nail bat and PIPIMI with an iron pipe.
It's sure to make you wonder under what circumstances you are participating in a videoconference!
If you're looking for a virtual backdrop that's different from everyone else's, go for it!

©大川ぶくぶ / 竹書房