REDEE ", one of the largest digital education facilities in Japan, is located in Suita City, Osaka Prefecture.
It is a one-of-a-kind facility that is not only an e-sports facility, but also an educational facility where students can learn programming and curriculum related to digital technology.
In May 2021, a dedicated e-motorsports stadium, " AUTOBACS REDEE Emotorsports Stadium," will open, and it is only possible because it is one of the largest in Japan.
A new dedicated area has opened at REDEE! Now you can enjoy the latest VR experience!
Play games and learn in the latest VR!

Newly opened at "REDEE" is the " HTC VIVE VR Experience Area," a dedicated area where you can play VR games and learn VR using the " VIVE " VR headset provided by HTC NIPPON Corporation!
Visitors can enjoy the latest VR contents that are rapidly growing through " VIVEPORT ", an application platform for VR users.
Those who have yet to experience VR, especially gamers, are definitely interested in it, but the hurdle is a bit high when it comes to purchasing the equipment.
We are very happy to be able to experience it easily in this way.
As an initial step, we will start with "sound games" and "shooting games," which are easy to experience the fun of VR, so you can enjoy rhythm games with a new sense of VR.
As "REDEE" is a digital educational facility, we will not stop at games!
In the future, they plan to add more learning contents such as VR art, VR disaster prevention (fire drills, flood evacuation, etc.),job experience, and more!
Especially in VR disaster prevention, you can experience " disaster " through VR, which is difficult to learn about in advance unless you are confronted with it.
Since it is a realistic experience, it can be used as a learning material, and will be useful in educational settings as well.
Many people who live in Osaka, as well as those who visit the city during the holiday season, will be able to travel around the city more easily nowadays.
REDEE" is just a short walk from the Expo '70 Commemorative Park Station, so be sure to stop by and try the VR experience!
For more information about the "HTC VIVE VR Experience Area", please check the area introduction page on the official "REDEE" website.