Sonic Frontier" latest video "Showdown Trailer" is now available! The eve of the festival featuring Korone Inugami will also be broadcast!

Sonic Frontier" latest video "Showdown Trailer" is now available! The eve of the festival featuring Korone Inugami will also be broadcast!

Sonic Front ier" is just a few days away from its release on November 8, 2022 (Tuesday ), and since it is November 4 (Friday) at the time of writing this article, I can't help but shudder at the thought of being able to play it on the first Tuesday of the week. Depending on the platform, the downloadable version is scheduled to be available around 14:00 JST, so downloaders, please note that you will not be able to play right after the date changes as usual. Get to bed early! Since "Sonic Frontier" is packed with many firsts in the series, I have the impression that there have been many opportunities to get information and play the game through various videos, information, "TGS 2022" and in-store trial events at mass retailers. I'm sure there are many people who have decided to purchase the game, but there are also those who are still wondering about it because it is different from previous Sonic games. To give them a push, the latest video "Showdown Trailer" has been released!

The latest video shows battle and event scenes.

The latest " Showdown Trailer" for "Sonic Frontier" shows Sonic running through the "Starfall Islands," the setting of the game, and the various skills he uses to battle the "God Soldiers"" and "Guardian Soldiers&quot The trailer shows Sonic running through the "Starfall Islands," the setting of the game, and using his various skills in battles against the "God Soldiers" and "Guardian Gods. The game also features event scenes featuring "Emmy", "Tails" and the mysterious "Sage". The fast-moving images set to the main theme, "I'm Here," are sure to get your heart racing. Especially in the battle scenes, you can imagine how Sonic will be controlled in every direction, so you don't need to worry anymore, do you? And if you don't pre-order before the game goes on sale, you won't be able to get the pre-order bonus, so pre-order early! Please check the official website for product and bonus information on Sonic Frontier!

The eve of the festival will be broadcast with Korone Inugami!

It seemed like all we had to do was wait for the release of "Sonic Frontier", but the push continues right up until the very end! On Monday, November 7, 2022 at 19:00, the day before the release of "Sonic Frontier ", "Sonic Station LIVE! will be broadcast from 19:00 on November 7, 2022, the day before the launch of "Sonic Frontier"! Kazuyuki Hoshino, Creative Director of "Sonic ",Jun Segami, Sound Director of "Sonic" series, Tomoya Otani, Sound Director of "Sonic" series , Eitaro Toyoda, Game Planner, Sonic Supervisor and Storyteller, will join us for this event. Eitaro Toyoda, game planner, Sonic supervisor and storyteller, and Minarai Inoue, assistant game producer, will appear on stage to provide the latest information on the game, play on the game console, and introduce the latest merchandise. In addition, a portion of the broadcast will be delivered using a virtual studio with guest @inugamikorone, an official Sonic ambassador from the world of "Sonic Frontier"! I know many of you can't imagine what the broadcast will be like, but don't worry. Just watch it. The broadcast will be on Sonic the Hedgehog's [official] YouTube channel, so if you haven't subscribed yet, subscribe to the channel and wait for the broadcast!

Sonic Frontier - PS5

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