EARTH DEFENSE FORCE: WORLD BROTHERS : first gameplay video shown at TGS2020Online


During TGS2020Online D3 Publisher announced new information about the upcoming "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE: WORLD BROTHERS".


"EARTH DEFENSE FORCE: WORLD BROTHERS" is a third-person shooter game where the player has to build a squad team to fight the invaders and save the Earth.
Unlike the previous "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE: WORLD BROTHERS" ("EDF") series, which are drawn in a photorealistic world, the new title is drawn in a voxel world.

"Earth Defense Force: World Brothers" will include " over 100 different characters, including a variety of fighters from past “EDF”games such as Jet Lifters, Wind Divers, Fencers, and Air Raiders. There will also be a variety of new fighters from around the world who can become allies.

Build your squad, go on missions, and save the world that is falling apart.

New element! New tactics with a team of four!

In this title, you can form a squad of 4 caharacters.
Players can easily change their characters with D-pad. If you got captured by an Ant, just change to a Jet Lifter and escape. Or with Wing Diver, you can go to high places that you cannot reach playing for Jet Lifter and Air Rider.
Depending on the squad, you can change the way of attacking and fighting. This element is new to EDF.

Easy to start playing for those who are new to the series!

This title is adapted for those who are new to EDF or not used to action games. There are tutorials and control guides on how to play for a character.
Control guides especially come in handy in this title because a player can use several fighters at a time.
Also, in this title, the player has to help his squad members, which is very easy because by checking the map you can spot your squad member.

The launch is coming soon! New information is coming soon!

Presenters played through the game live on the stream. "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE: WORLD BROTHERS" launches on December 24 and will be released on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.
The package version is going to be sold for 7,480 yen (tax exc.), an online version for 6,800 yen (tax exc.). Also, there is going to be a limited Double Pack for two-person that will come at 9,980 yen (tax exc.).

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