bitbank starts handling Cardano (ADA)! A campaign is underway to commemorate the transaction!

bitbank starts handling Cardano (ADA)! A campaign is underway to commemorate the transaction!

bitbank " is a virtual currency exchange operated by Bitbank Corporation, which was established in May 2014 for the purpose of recovering crypto assets.
It handles approximately 20 types of crypto assets and offers trading services through an easy-to-use and stable application, as well as high security technology.
bitbank has newly started handling "Cardano (ADA/Adacoin )" and is currently running a campaign to commemorate the new service!


Cardano is now being handled! A campaign to commemorate the handling of Cardano is now underway!


Cardano, which bitbank has started handling this time, was invented by Charles Hoskinson in 2015 and newly issued in September 2017, and has a relatively long history among altcoins.
As of October 12, 2022, it stands at the 8th position in terms of market capital ization, which can be said to be medium-sized.

Currently, the development and use of Cardano is being promoted by three organizations: the Cardano Foundation, IOG, and Emago.
It is envisioned that Cardano can be used not only for staking out improved security and decentralization of the proc chain, but also for a variety of applications and services on the platform in the future.
For more information on Cardano and the whitepaper, please visit the official Cardano website.

Cardano Overview
Name of crypto asset Cardano
Symbol ADA
Market capitalization 2,329,119,147,272 yen (as of September 14, 2022)
Unit price 68.14 yen (as of September 14, 2022)
Corresponding Chain Cardano
Issuance Limit 45,000,000,000 cards

Newly started handling at bitbank!


bitbank has newly joined the list of exchanges where Cardano (ADA) can be traded!
To commemorate the start of handling Cardano, bitbank is currently running a campaign in which trading commissions for ADA/JPY will be waived until 11:59 pm on November 2, 2022 (Wednesday )!
Trading commissions will be waived for a limited time, and if you are interested, please take this opportunity to open an account at bitbank.
For details of the campaign to commemorate the Cardano handling, please check the official bitbank website.

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