New Trailer for "Granblue Fantasy Versus" Released!

New Trailer for "Granblue Fantasy Versus" Released!

With the release of "Solids" and "Zita" on April 7, 2020, "Granblue Fantasy Versus" (hereafter "GBVS") is now fully populated with playable characters.
The next season 1 character pass will be the last DLC character to be added.
On Friday, April 17, 2020, a new trailer was released, announcing the release date of the fifth DLC character, Zoe!

"Grab VS"! Delivery Date of the 4th DLC "Gjeeta" Decided!

Incarnation of the Order Grande fighting alongside the Wyverns

"Zoe" is a character who controls lightning magic while wielding a wyvern.
The character is voiced by Ami Koshimizu, who is known for playing strong female characters such as Karen Kohzuki from Code Geass.

グランブルーファンタジー ヴァーサス/Granblue Fantasy: Versus PV#18「ゾーイ参戦編」

A girl with a supernatural air, she is an incarnation of The Order Grande, the crystal beast that governs mediation.
She hates chaos, and sensing the disturbance in space-time caused by the three "singularities" of Grande, Beelzebub, and Zita, she throws herself into the battle in the different skies to maintain the balance of the world.

While using the wyverns "Di" and "Ri"
He fights seamlessly, making full use of his inhuman swordsmanship and lightning magic.


"Zoe" will be released on Tuesday, April 28, 2020!
The price is \800 JPY (tax excluded) (*$7,4 USD), and you will receive 2 additional quests, a lobby avatar and an icon of your favorite character as a purchase bonus!

Pre-able character Zoe
グランブルーファンタジー ヴァーサス/Granblue Fantasy: Versus PV#18"ゾーイ参戦編"

A serial code for the "Zoe" skin, which can be used in "Grand Blue Fantasy" in the form of "The Order Grande", is also included!

Serial Code for "Granblue Fantasy" Linked Reward
グランブルーファンタジー ヴァーサス/Granblue Fantasy: Versus PV#18"ゾーイ参戦編"

New Stage "Jewel Resort"

The additional stage "Jewel Resort" will also be available on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, just like "Zoe"! The price will be \400 JPY (tax excluded) (*$3,7USD).

Additional stage "Jewel Resort"!
グランブルーファンタジー ヴァーサス/Granblue Fantasy: Versus PV#18"ゾーイ参戦編"

Jewel Resort" also comes with a purchase bonus, which includes the lobby avatars "Therese", "Bunny Girl", "Referee" and "Mob Uncle", so don't miss out on that too!

Update information is also released!

In addition to the delivery date of "Zoe" and "Jewel Resort", the new trailer also reveals information about other updates!

Free RPG Mode Update
グランブルーファンタジー ヴァーサス/Granblue Fantasy: Versus PV#18"ゾーイ参戦編"

A free update will be released that will add the ending story of the RPG mode!
Episodes41-45 of the main quest will be released in the summer of 2020, andepisodes 46-50 of the main quest will be released in early 2021!
Wait for more details to come!

Character Pass 2 & Soundtrack to be released!

Character Pass 2 Preview
グランブルーファンタジー ヴァーサス/Granblue Fantasy: Versus PV#18"ゾーイ参戦編"

Zoe will be the last character to be added to Character Pass 1, but Character Pass 2 will be released in the fall of 2020!
The next installment will have 6 characters in total, and we have a glimpse of the first character. This is the best... Beriah... let's wait for more news!

Granblue Fantasy Versus Original Soundtrack
グランブルーファンタジー ヴァーサス/Granblue Fantasy: Versus PV#18"ゾーイ参戦編"

And the release of the original soundtrack has also been announced! It seems that it will be a large volume containing all 34 songs used in the game.
It will be released on June 17, 2020, but we'll have to wait for further news on the price and other perks!

We can't wait to see what the future holds for GBVS!

The Character Pass 1 will end with the release of Zoe on April 28, 2020, but the Character Pass 2 will be released in the fall of 2020, and it will be here before you know it!
The popularity of GBVS is so great that there are bound to be many new developments in the future! And it's hard to believe that there won't be anything before the fall... We're looking forward to it!
For more information, please visit the official GRAND BLU FANTASY VERSUS website!


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