The year 2023 has run through January and into February while dragging out the New Year's blues. The fact that January is over so soon means that before you know it, it will be the end of the year! While you are probably feeling the fear that it is, your body is probably feeling tired. February will be colder and busier toward the end of the fiscal year, so many people will try to get through it with an energy drink. But! The problem there is the recent issue of price hikes. Due to the global situation, the prices of many things are being raised, and energy drinks are no exception. The price of certain manufacturers' energy drinks has been raised since February 1, which is quite a blow to us energy drink freaks who consume energy drinks almost every day. However, "ZONe ENERGY", the energy drink that leads drinkers to the invincible zone, has announced that it will not raise its price and will continue to be sold at the same price...but since it is "ZONe ENERGY", there was no way it would end there. But that was not the end of the story. But ZONe ENERGY did not stop there... They decided to go against the trend of the price increase and offered a cash-back coupon!
大願成就を祈った2023年最初の新フレーバー「ZONe BIG LUCK」発売決定!
150 yen coupon for "HYPER ZONe" is now available!

ZONe ENERGY" started " Monster Class Cash Back Campaign " on Wednesday, February 1, 2023. The name of the campaign is very meaningful! The timing of the campaign is aggressive, but the content is also aggressive. 5 coupons for 30 yen cash back for "HYPER ZONe," which is well known for its highest concentration with a lid, are now being distributed! The price of "HYPER ZONe" has not been raised, so the price is still 198 yen (including tax), which means you can buy 5 bottles of "HYPER ZONe" for only 168 yen (including tax) in effect. ZONe ENERGY" is still crazy (*compliment).... They are giving out coupons like this, so there is no choice but to use them! The way to receive the coupons is through the well-known "ZONe Members Program". I am sure that many of you are already using this service to earn ZONe original lottery points and exclusive rewards, but if you haven't yet, add a friend to theofficial ZONe LINE account! In the "Monster Cash Back Campaign", coupons will be distributed to all "ZONe Members Program" users without fail, so if you are already using the service, you can open the "ZONe Members Program" and get the coupons for 30 yen at the time of registration. Those who are just registering will receive 5 coupons for 30 yen cash back at the time of registration. After receiving the coupons, you can scan the QR sticker on the side of the can when you purchase " HYPER ZONe " to earn 30 yen cash points per purchase. If you are a regular "HYPER ZONe" drinker, there is no reason not to use this campaign, and if you have heard about "HYPER ZONe" through this campaign, please take this opportunity to register for the "ZONe Members Program" to receive "HYPER ZONe" cash points. HYPER ZONe" at a discount! The coupon will be distributed once per LINE account and will be valid until March 31, 2023 (Friday ). For details, please check the "Monster Class Cash Back Campaign" special page!
詳細はこちらをご覧ください。— ZONe ENERGY (@zone_energy_jp) January 31, 2023