Nintendo Co., Ltd. started a June Bride event at "Animal Crossing" on June 1, 2020.
The event will last until June 30, 2020, the end of the month, and you can obtain the limited items "Wedding Series" and " A Crystal of Love" at this event.
どーもどーも!あっという間に5月も最後の週末だなもね! 6月といえばジューンブライドの季節ということで、パニエルさんのスタジオはウエディングの写真撮影で忙しくなるそうなんだも。 見学・お手伝い大歓迎ということなので、良かったら遊びに行ってあげてちょうだいね!
— どうぶつの森 (@doubutsuno_mori) May 29, 2020
Help us take wedding photos!
In this event, you can help Lisa and Kayzo take photos to commemorate their wedding on Panny's Island.

When you start helping, you will be given a theme.
By creating a layout based on the theme and taking pictures, you will be rewarded with the Wedding Series and "A Crystal of Love".
The "A Crystal of Love" items obtained will be used to exchange for the event's reward, the wedding series.
A certain number of "A Crystal of Love" are required to exchange them, and there is a limit of 15 per day, so be sure not to forget if you want to complete the event.
The higher the rating of the layout, the more "A Crystal of Love" you can get, so experiment with furniture placement, types, colors, etc. to achieve a high rating.

Commemorative items for "International Children's Day" are also on sale!
Today, June 1, 2020, is the anniversary of "International Children's" Day.
To celebrate the anniversary, "Animal Crossing" is offering commemorative items in the shopping section of the Tanu Port function until the end of June.
The three items are "Handmade Orchid", "Handmade Cloak" and "Father's Day Thank You Mug Cup". Please check them out as well.
みなさ~ん!今日から6月だなもね! そして今日6月1日は『国際子供の日』という、世界中の子供のための記念日なんだなも! たぬきショッピングでも、この記念日にちなんだアイテムを今月いっぱいの期間限定で販売してるから、ぜひチェックしてみてほしいだも♪
— どうぶつの森 (@doubutsuno_mori) June 1, 2020