On May 27, 2020, "Dead by Daylight", a globally popular online game that is still celebrating its fourth anniversary this year, announced a collaboration with "Silent Hill", a horror game series developed by Konami.
The 20th killer, the well-known "Executioner" with his "triangular head", will appear in the game, and a new survivor and collaboration map will also be implemented.
The PTB will be available on Steam from May 27, 2020 at 4:00 pm, so those who are able to play can experience the "SILENT HILL" collaboration ahead of time.
Impressions from the PTB
Here are my impressions of the new killers and survivors in the 4th anniversary "SILENT HILL" collaboration chapter.
New Killer "Executioner" (a.k.a. "Triangle Head")

キャラクター&パーク紹介 — Dead By DaylightA map-controlling killer, the Executioner can create his own dangers and inflict suffering on survivors. Affected survivors become vulnerable to the special hook Atonement Cage and the unique Memento Mori Last Judgment. The unique perk Forced Suffering, Trail of Agony, and Death Bound allow the survivor to deceive and track survivors while actively pursuing prey.
Special Ability: "Judgment Ritual"
Activated by pressing the ability button. Once activated, hold down the ability button to move in any direction and carve a trail on the ground. When the button is released, the trail is completed.
Survivors who walk or run over the trail are subject to the agony status effect, which triggers the killer's instincts. When a survivor under the agony effect is dying, he or she can be sent to the Cage of Atonement.
Special Attack: "Infernal Punishment"
While the Ritual of Judgment is in effect, pressing the attack button activates the Punishment of Hell. This ability unleashes a wave of energy in front of the Executioner, damaging survivors in its path. Hell Punishment penetrates obstacles.
Special Ability: "Cage of Atonement"
Standing in front of a dying survivor who has been affected by the agony status effect and pressing the ability activation button, the survivor can be lifted up and sent to the Cage of Atonement without being carried to a hook on the map.
Survivors in the Cage of Atonement will proceed through the execution phase as if they were hanging from a hook and can be offered to the entity. Survivors who enter the endurance phase in the atonement cage must make a skill check to evict the entity, and the execution progress is shared between the atonement cage and the hook.
Survivors rescued from the Cage of Redemption or rescued from the Cage of Redemption are released from the agony of the agony.
Special Ability: "Final Judgment"
Standing in front of a dying survivor who is already in the endurance phase of the hook or redemption cage and suffering from agony, press the ability activation button to activate the Last Judgment and slaughter the survivor.

The actual experience of using this in the PTB is that it is a very strong category with long-range attacks, memento mori without add-on perks, and a death blow countermeasure.
The special attack is probably best described as a Huntress axe thrower that penetrates obstacles instead of having a limited range.
The ability to walk while holding is possible, but it should be noted that the movement stops when releasing a slash.
It is not an attack tool that can be used on a daily basis, but it was quite useful in chases on pallets and window frames.
It is also a little tricky to confirm that the conditions are met, but the ability to accommodate a dying survivor in a cage without hanging him from a hook was powerful.
It is especially useful as a countermeasure against the "death blow" perk, which is still a nuisance in the current environment, so that the survivor can target the next survivor without worry, without having to leave the survivor down.
New Survivor "Cheryl Mason"

Dead by Daylight公式サイト チャプターXVI "SILENT HILL"|キャラクター&パーク紹介Cheryl Mason is a young veteran who encourages herself and her friends to face their fears.
With her unique perk Soul Guard, Blood Pact, and Alliance of Oppression, she will survive immeasurable hardship, stay in touch with her friends, and set goals.
Another character who's bound to be popular added to the mix!
Cheryl Mason has some very powerful perks, including Soulguard, a near-death version of the "rag belt" and Alliance of Oppression, which forces the killer to stop blocking the generator's repair progress.
With perks that are easy to use for beginners and can be abused by professionals, combined with a popular character, there is no choice but to buy it!
Can't wait for the official implementation!

Even before the collaboration was officially announced, some people were excited about the possibility of a "Silent Hill" collaboration, but I never thought it would actually happen.
The new map perfectly recreates the atmosphere of "SILENT HILL" and the characters are faithful to the original, so we can't wait to see the new map implemented.
Although an official implementation date has not yet been set, it is likely that many players will return to "Dead by Daylight" as a result of this season's collaboration, so the excitement is sure to be high!
For more information on this collaboration, as well as other parks and maps we didn't mention, check out the official Dead by Daylight website.