New characters have been announced for the popular fighting game "DOA6" (DEAD OR ALIVE 6).
The new character is "Tamaki", a popular character from "DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation" in the Dead or Alive series.
『DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation』( #DOAVV )からの参戦キャラクターが「たまき」に決定!本日公開の「初出しPV」をご覧ください!
格闘スタイルや新しい衣装などは今後の続報をお楽しみに♥ #DOA6 #ブイブイ— DOA6日本公式 (@doa6jp) February 25, 2020
Who is Tamaki?
The character appeared in DOAXVV in 2018 and is a clothing designer.
She has never appeared in the "DEAD OR ALIVE" fighting game, so she is a "reimported" character.
Her fighting style and other details have not been announced at this time.