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Fate/Grand Order" Beyond the Tale Project unveils its fifth TVCM "Rider Ver!

「Fate/Grand Order」 Beyond the Tale プロジェクト TVCM第6弾「Archer Ver.」が公開

Fate/Grand Order," the most popular game in the world with over 75 million downloads worldwide, will release an all-new anime PV "Memorial Movie 2023" at Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2023 to be held in July 2023. The sixth TV commercial, "Archer Ver. Archer Ver. The sixth commercial is narrated by the island's director, Mr. Kikuchi. The sixth commercial is narrated by Nobunaga Shimazaki.

The sixth commercial "Archer Ver!

  • Director: Hirotaka Shu
  • Production: CloverWorks

The "Beyond the Tale " project is a new animation PV "Memorial Movie 2023" with the catchphrase "The beginning of the myth, and beyond " as its main axis. The sixth TV commercial "Archer Ver." was released on June 4, 2023.

The theme song is sung by Hana Hope (@ Hana Hope ( @hanahope_2022 ) will be the vocalist for the theme song.

Comment from Hana Hope

I feel very honored to be in charge of the anniversary song of "Fate/Grand Order," which continues to fascinate fans around the world. I sang the song while comparing the feelings of the characters who are trying to move forward despite the difficulties they are facing with my own journey in music. I would be happy if this song could color the world of FGO along with the work.


A total of 9 commercials will be shown for 8 consecutive weeks. The 7th and 8th commercials are scheduled to air on June 11, 2023 (Sunday) during "Demon Slayer: Sword Forging Village" on Fuji Television Network from 23:15 to 23:45. The film will be produced by up-and-coming director Hirotaka Shu, who created the ending animation for the fifth episode of "Chainsaw Man," and CloverWork, creator of "SPY×FAMILY" and "Bocchi Za Rokku! and CloverWorks, creators of "SPY x FAMILY" and "Bocchi Za Rokku!


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

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