Mega Drive Mini Additional Information Announced!

Mega Drive Mini Additional Information Announced!

The Mega Drive Mini is scheduled for release on September 19, 2019. Of the 40 titles included in the game, 20 titles have been announced so far, and now a third title has finally been announced!
On May 16th, during the "Dengeki PlayStation Live" broadcast, 10 additional titles were announced! The MC for "Dengeki PlayStation Live" was Nobuo from the comedy duo, Penguins! We're enjoying Nobuo's Nobi Nobuo Channel!
The Mega Drive Mini information starts at around 39 minutes into the video!

What is the Mega Drive Mini?

Mega Drive Mini

Game freaks may have heard of the Mega Drive Mini, but just in case we haven't covered it here on Saiga NAK before, here it is.
The "Mega Drive Mini" is the Mega Drive version of the mini series that started with the NES Mini.
It's a small console that comes pre-loaded with game titles, so all you have to do is plug it into your TV and you can play a variety of Mega Drive classics!
Scheduled for release on September 19, 2019, the model with one gamepad will cost 6,980 JPY (tax not included), and the model with two gamepads will cost 8,980 JPY (tax not included). A stand-alone gamepad will also be available for 2,500 JPY (tax not included).
Reservations began on April 3, and the pre-orders at various e-commerce sites sold out instantly! It's a relief to know that there are so many deep-seated SEGA fans out there!

We'll keep you posted on the titles to be included!

The "Mega Drive Mini" will include 40 game titles.
But! At the time of the initial announcement, only 10 of those titles were revealed! Even so, reservations were instantaneous! That's what SEGA fans are for!
On April 19, an additional 10 titles were announced for the second phase, bringing the total to 20 out of the 40 games announced so far.

First announcement of games to be included

In the first announcement, it was announced that the following titles would be included in the collection.
Sonic, Space Harrier, Puyopuyo, Marauder's Tale, etc. These are the titles that are typical of SEGA.

  • Gunstar Heroes
  • Comics Zone
  • Shining Force: Legacy of the Gods
  • Space Harrier II
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  • Vampire Killer
  • Puyopuyo Dori
  • A Tale of Magic I (Ichi)
  • Lesson Ball
  • Rent-a-Hero

Second Announcement of Games to be Included

Here's the second announced title!
The biggest surprise is "I LOVE Mickey & Donald Fushigina Magic Box".
I didn't expect a Disney game to be included...

  • Thunder Force III
  • Musha Arresta
  • Super Fantasy Zone
  • Land Stalker: The Emperor's Treasure
  • I LOVE Mickey & Donald Fushigina Magic Box
  • Bare Knuckle II: Requiem for a Deadly Battle
  • Dinah Brothers 2
  • Hybrid Front
  • KODORA The Hardcore
  • Game no Kanzume (for special price)

And that title that's premiering! Announcement of the 3rd volume!

The long-awaited announcement of the third installment! In the third volume, 10 new titles were announced.

  • Daimajimura
  • Street Fighter II Dash Plus CHAMPION EDITION
  • Mega Man Mega World
  • Golden Axe
  • The Super Shinobi
  • Phantasy Star: At the End of the Millennium
  • Story of Toa: Heir to the Light
  • Tanto R
  • Party Quiz MEGA Q
  • Yu-Yu Hakusho: The Unification of the Demonic Forces

The recording of "YuYu Hakusho: The War for the Unification of the Demonic Forces" sent shockwaves throughout the world!
This is a fighting game based on the hit manga "YuYu Hakusho" from Weekly Shonen Jump, which was released in 1994.
Many "YuYu Hakusho" games were released for other hardware, but the most unique feature of "YuYu Hakusho: Majoichi Unification Battle" was that four players could play against each other simultaneously.
At the time (and even now), the ability to play four-player one-on-one fighting games was groundbreaking, and this title was highly acclaimed.
It was (and still is) a revolutionary title, and it was highly acclaimed.
The "Mega Drive Mini" has been officially announced to be compatible with Buffalo's USB hub and other controllers that have been tested for compatibility, so you can play a 4-player game on the "Mega Drive Mini"!

In addition to "Yūyū Hakusho: Majyō Unification Battle," there is also the action game "Daimakaikai Mura," which is well-known for its daunting difficulty level, and the belt scroll action masterpiece "Golden Axe," which is a classic.
The first title in the Phantasy Star series that continues to this day, "Phantasy Star: The End of the Millennium," and "Tantor," a collection of mini-games that anyone can play with simple controls, are just a few of the attractive titles that will be included in the game!
I'm pretty happy because there was a time in my school days when I used to play Tantoar (alone) like crazy at the arcade after school!

Now it's in short supply...

As mentioned above, the pre-orders for the "Mega Drive Mini" that started on April 3, 2012, were all sold out in a blink of an eye. Most of the available items currently listed on various e-commerce sites are priced above the list price.
Since the release date is still some time away (September 19), we are sure that they will take reservations again, so let's not be too hasty in reselling them!
The NES MINI and NEOGEO MINI, which were in short supply, began to be stably supplied early after their release, so don't panic, don't panic.

For more details, please visit the official "Mega Drive Mini" website!

Expect the 4th announcement!

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