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Sword Art Online Valiant Showdown" is back in service! New playable character "Mito" joins the game!

「ソードアート・オンライン ヴァリアント・ショウダウン」がサービス再開!新プレイアブルキャラクター「ミト」が参戦!

The " Sword Art Online Valiant Showdown " service, which had been suspended since September 28, 2023 (Thursday), will resume service on December 17, 2024 (Tuesday), and a " 6 Major Campaigns to Commemorate the Restart" will be held to celebrate the resumption. The "Restart Campaign" is now underway to commemorate the restart. In addition, a new playable character, Mito, has joined the game, and a pickup scout is being held.

Sword Art Online Valiant Showdown" is finally back in service!

6 Major Campaigns to Commemorate the Restart

Sword Art Online Valiant Showdown," which had been suspended for long-term maintenance since September 28, 2023 (Thursday), finally resumed service on December 17, 2024 (Tuesday).

To commemorate the service restart, the following six major campaigns are being offered, giving you a chance to obtain gasha tickets,limited ability cards, variant crystals, and more, so be sure not to miss out!

  • Restart Commemorative Login Bonus
  • Restart Commemorative Mission
  • Restart Commemorative Event
  • Restart Commemorative Quests
  • Player Invitation Bonus
  • Restart Commemorative Pack Sales

For details of the 6 major campaigns, please visit the official website of "SWORD ART ONLINE VARIANT SHOWDOWN".

New playable character "Mito" joins the game!

Shiden Issen Mito

New playable character " Shiden Issen" Mito (Light Attribute/Fighter) has joined the game, and a pickup scout will be held until January 6, 2025 (Mon.) at 13:59.

Campaign to Commemorate Mito's Entry

In commemoration of Mito's entry, the " Mito Entry Memorial Campaign " is now being held.

In this campaign, you can get " Shiden Isshin Mito Pickup Scout Ticket " as a special login bonus and limited time missions. Start the game now to receive your reward!


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

Sword Art Online Fractured Daydream for Nintendo Swicth
Sword Art Online Valiant Showdown" will soon resume service! New PVs and more are now on view!
Sword Art Online Valiant Showdown" will soon resume service! New PVs and more are now...

Sword Art Online Valiant Showdown" has been out of service since September 28, 2023 (Thursday) due to long-term maintenance, but it has been announced that

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