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Square Enix x KOIKEYA! Eorzea Popoto Chips" flavored with crystal rock salt of light!

スクウェア・エニックス × 湖池屋!FF14とコラボした光のクリスタル岩塩味「エオルゼアポポトチップス」登場

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of " Final Fantasy XIV," " Eorzea Popoto Chips " in collaboration with Koikeya will be available at the Koikeya online store from August 25, 2023 (Friday)! The chips are made from thinly sliced and deep-fried "popoto", which is widely popular in Eorzea, and flavored with "crystal rock salt", a sharp salt.

"Eorzea Popoto Chips" will go on sale on August 25 (Friday).

エオルゼアポポトチップスPR TIMES

In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of "Final Fantasy XIV," Eorzea has collaborated with KOIKEYA! Eorzea Popoto Chips", potato chips inspired by "Popoto", an ingredient similar to "potato" that appears in Final Fantasy XIV, will be available at the KOIKEYA online shop from 12:00 on August 25, 2023 (Fri.). The "Eorzea Potato Chips" will be available at the KOIKEYA online store from August 25, 2023 (Friday) at 12:00 pm. The special flavor combines the sharp taste of "Crystal Rock Salt" with the "Crystal of Light," which is an important element in the story of the game, to immerse the consumer in the world of Final Fantasy XIV. The result is a dish that would satisfy Mr. Ringsas, Executive Chef of the popular restaurant "Bismarck" in Limsa Lominsa! There are six different package designs, including the "Fat Chocobo," "Namazuo," "Repolit," "Dust Bunny," and "Tataru&quot" from Final Fantasy XIV. In addition to the "fat chocobo," "Namazuo," "Repolit," "Dustbunny," and "Tataru"," the "desert island exploration" content in the game features a large image art design. The "Meteor KOIKEYA mark" that symbolizes this collaboration is also a highlight! For more information, please visit the KOIKEYA online store.

Product Outline
Product name Eorzea Popoto Chips
Quantity 6 bags (80g per bag) *Includes 3 out of 6 package designs
Price 1,980 yen per box (excluding shipping costs)
Release date August 25, 2023 (Fri.) 12:00
Sales destination KOIKEYA Online Shop


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

33025スクウェア・エニックス × 湖池屋!FF14とコラボした光のクリスタル岩塩味「エオルゼアポポトチップス」登場
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