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The Pokémon Design Collection, featuring Pikachu and Molpeko design items, is now available!

ピカチュウとモルペコデザインのアイテムがマリークヮントより登場!「Pokémon Design Collection」が11月22日(金)から販売

Marie Quandt Cosmetics, Inc. announced today that it will launch the " Pokémon Design Collection " featuring Pikachu andMolpeko from the " Pokémon " series on Friday, November 22, 2024, in limited quantities. The items range from apparel to bags, pouches, accessories, and more.

"Pokémon Design Collection" will be available for purchase!


Marie Quandt has announced that the " Pokémon Design Collection " featuring Pikachu andMolpeko will be available in limited quantities from Friday, November 22, 2024. The "Pokémon Design Collection" will include...

  • Apparel
  • Bags
  • Pouches
  • Small Goods
  • Accessories

...etc. are available in a wide variety of products.

Apparel includes blousons with Pikachu and Molpeko patches, and pullovers with gel prints of Daisy and Pokemon. Die-cut pouches with daisy charms are lined with original designs and have been meticulously designed.

Accessories are finished with playful designs, such as a ring with an image of Pikachu's tail and earrings with different left and right designs of MORPEKO ( Mamupu-moyo andHarapeko-moyo).

In addition, compact mirrors, popular as gifts, are now available in a special design with Pikachu printed on them! "Pokémon Design Collection" can be purchased at Marie Quandt stores nationwide, or from the Marie Quandt online storefrom 10:00 on November 22, 2024 (Friday). Why not purchase as a reward for yourself or as a gift for someone you have cared for?

For more information on the "Pokémon Design Collection," please check the official MARY QUANT website.

List of "Pokémon Design Collection" products

Pikachu logo back print parka

ピカチュウロゴバックプリント パーカPR TIMES
  • Price: 14,850 yen (tax included)

Pikachu back jacquard pullover

ピカチュウバックジャカード プルオーバーPR TIMES
  • Price: ¥15,400 (tax included)

Blouson with Pikachu logo patch and Molpeko logo patch

ピカチュウロゴワッペン・モルペコロゴワッペン ブルゾンPR TIMES
  • Price: each 26,400 yen (tax included)

Molpeko metal daisy patch 2-way mini tote

モルペコメタルデイジーパッチ 2WAYミニトートPR TIMES
  • Price: ¥14,850 (tax included)

Pikachu & Molpeko die-cut pouch

ピカチュウ・モルペコ ダイカットポーチPR TIMES
  • Price: ¥6,050 each (tax included)

Master Ball die-cut pouch

マスターボール ダイカットポーチPR TIMES
  • Price: 6,050 yen (tax included)

Monster Ball Socks

モンスターボールPR TIMES
  • Price: ¥2,420 each (tax included)

Pikachu Metal Embossed Round Pouch

ピカチュウメタルエンボス ラウンドポーチPR TIMES
  • Price: ¥4,620 (tax included)

Molpeko metal embossed mini wallet

モルペコメタルエンボス ミニウォレットPR TIMES
  • Price: ¥14,850 (tax included)

Epo Pikachu and Epo Molpeko Pierced Earrings

エポピカチュウ・エポモルペコ ピアスPR TIMES
  • Price: ¥3,740 each (tax included)

Epo Morpheco Bag Charm

エポモルペコ バッグチャームPR TIMES
  • Price: ¥3,960 each (tax included)

Pikachu tail ring

ピカチュウテール リングPR TIMES
  • Price: ¥3,520 each (tax included)

Molpeko Crocodile clip set

モルペコ ワニクリップセットPR TIMES
  • Price: ¥4,400 (tax included)

Marie Quandt compact mirror (Pikachu)

マリークヮント コンパクト ミラー(ピカチュウ)PR TIMES
  • Price: 3,080 yen (tax included)


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