The Fangler Games editorial team finished its coverage of the "AUTOBACS JEGT GRAND PRIX 2022 Series Supported by GRAN TURISMO ROUND.3 TOP LEAGUE" held on the second day of the Tokyo Auto Salon 2023.
関優太、SPYGEA参戦!レーサーとゲーマーがグランツーリスモで対決する「JEGT EXレース」の結果は!?
When we left the event hall after finishing our coverage a little after midnight, we were met by a large crowd of people. Although I visit e-sports and gaming events for coverage, this was the first time for me to visit a non-gaming event hall.
Speaking of cars, making them shine, and perhaps making gaming devices shine is a lineage from cars...? So, as an e-sports media, maybe I should visit the exhibition booths at the Tokyo Auto Salon? So we went to visit the booths.
There were many visitors with camera equipment at the venue, and taking pictures of the companions was very exciting. Although there are companion photo shoots at the Tokyo Game Show and other events, the scale of the event is on a different level. So, in a mysterious spirit of rivalry, Fangler Games also took pictures of the companions!
Actually, Saiga NAK was also a sneak entry on the first day.
In fact, on the first day of the event, a Soul Calibur charlie type was there on his own, and we were able to take pictures of him and his companion. Let's start with the first day!

Tokyo Auto Salon 2023 Day 2
When covering an e-sports event, as a rule, flash is strictly prohibited and the autofocus auxiliary light is turned off, so I was not accustomed to the storm of flashes in the exhibition hall.... The exhibition hall was a battlefield for the best shots.... It's exactly like e-sports...(?) Here's a look at the second day of the show!

Saiga NAK

Saiga NAK

The stunning Shiva Tire booth!
While strolling through the North Hall, I noticed a large crowd at the Shiva Tire booth. It was an impressive booth, with gaming PCs and other equipment, and I thought, "Whoa, is it Saiga NAK' turn? " and took pictures of the booth. I took so many photos that I could write a whole article about the Shiva Tire booth alone, but for now (?), here are some of the photos of the companions! Here are some photos of the companions!

.#東京オートサロン2023 #TAS2023 #コンパニオン— 米倉みゆ??⬛1/28フレッシュ撮影会 (@0630_miyu_) January 15, 2023
That's all for the Tokyo Auto Salon 2023 Companion Special!