TEQWING e-Sports, a joint venture company that operates the professional e-sports team TEQWING e-Sports, announces that the 2nd JAPANNEXT CUP : APEX LEGENDS, an online Apex Legends tournament, will be held on July 30, 2023 (Sunday). The prize is the JAPANNEXT CUP : APEX LEGENDS online tournament! The prizes include a JAPANNEXT gaming monitor and the energy drink "ENERICHE".
人気ストリーマーやプロゲーマーが参加!TEQWING e-Sportsが主催するオンライン大会「JAPANNEXT CUP : APEX LEGENDS」が5月21日に開催!
The 2nd JAPANNEXT CUP" tournament will be held!

The 2nd JAPANNEXT CUP will be held on Sunday, July 30, 2023 at 19:00. The title to be used will be Apex Legends, the same as the first tournament held in May 2023.
Live Commentary

- MC/Video Commentary: Kosuke Hiraiwa (@kouhiraiwa777 )
- Commentary: To be announced soon

The 2nd JAPANNEXT CUP : APEX LEGENDS" will consist of 4 matches in total, and the players will compete for ranking based on their score points. The maps will be "World's Edge", "Broken Moon", and "Storm Point".

The prizes for the tournament are also now on view! A JAPANNEXT gaming monitor and a case of ENERICHE energy drink will be awarded!
1st Game
- 144Hz gaming monitor "JN-238Gi133FHDR-HSP" x 3 winners
- A case of ENERICHE (30 bottles) x 3 winners
2nd game
- 200Hz gaming monitor "JN-VG233WFHD200
- ENERICHE 1 case (30 pcs) x 3 winners
3rd game
- 17.3" Mobile Gaming Monitor "JN-MD-173GT240FHDR" x 3 winners
- ENERICHE 1 case (30 pcs) x 3 winners
Game 4
- 360Hz gaming monitor "X-360" x 3 winners
- 1 case of ENERICHE (30 pcs) x 3 winners
Participating members

Participating members of the "2nd JAPANNEXT CUP : APEX LEGENDS" have also been announced. A total of 20 teams will compete.
- TEAM1: Selen Tatsuki (@Selen_Tatsuki ) / Nocturnal (@oh_Nocturnal ) / Albralelie (@TSM_Albralelie )
- TEAM2:Kinokogenji(@kinokogenji ) / SoVault (@SoVault ) / Toppi (@CR_Topio )
- TEAM3: Ui Hekiiki (@aoi_uii )*Member 2 and 3 to be announced at a later date
- TEAM4: Shio Misora (@MisoraNo_Sio ) / Misa Misaki (@misakimisa0407 ) / mo-mon (@Texto___ )
- TEAM5: GreedZz (@iGreedZz ) / H8sak (@H8sak ) / NevvtonX (@NevvtonX )
- TEAM6: to be announced later
- TEAM7: Sabakuro (@sabakuro0521 )/ yL (@yL_Apex )*Member 3 to be announced later
- TEAM8:Kurenage_Ralu (@Kurenage_Ralu ) *Member 2, Member 3 to be announced later
- TEAM9:Odevil (@koakuma1717 ) / Weak and Strong (@Jyakusya_481 ) / 983kuma (@983kuma )
- TEAM10: Thiv's House (@Thiv_no_Yakata ) / Chikuwa Games (@ChikuwaGames_ ) / Ri / Riy (@Riyfpsjp )
- TEAM11: Shikano (@kano_2525) / Miko da da (@M1ko_d4yo ) / Pakael (@paka_el )
- TEAM12: Usine Tenjin Ko Usane (@kotonegami ) / Mirabon (@MirageBomber ) / Dayo Dayo Dayo (@DayoDayo_dayo )
- TEAM13: Naoki (@NaoChaxN ) / LxxYun (@LxxYun ) / Akumayuno (@akuyuno_HHH)
- TEAM14: Light (@Lightninnnnnnng) / Jipro (@Gprodaisuki ) / Mendosan (@xMendosan )
- TEAM15: TIE Gian (@TIE_Gian ) *Member 2 and 3 to be announced later
- TEAM16: TIE John (@tie_j0hn ) / Lemon (@Citreaego_Lemon ) / Aoharu (@AoHarudayooo )
- TEAM17: Mumu Mumu (@mumumu777_ ) / Shirasuu (@shirasuu0109 ) / Rushi Hayashi Graduates (@Rindou_Rushi )
- TEAM18: Renton (@RENTON_GAMES )/ WASABI (@wasabiDGG )/ duu (@Physio_ddu )
- TEAM19:Pine Nene (@nenepiyochun )/ Despea (@Iam_Despea )※3 members to be announced later
- TEAM20: Rossoful (@RossofulFPS ) / Jotaro Mitsuda (@toppo_77 ) / KC (@KC0724 )
第2回『#JAPANNEXTCUP: Apex Legends』
🎙️MC/実況:平岩 康佑 / @kouhiraiwa777豪華メンバーも多数参戦‼️
⬇️応募はリプ欄から⬇️ pic.twitter.com/ZwUk3INUTT— TEQWING e-Sports/略称TW (@TEQWING) July 11, 2023
The 2nd JAPANNEXT CUP : APEX LEGENDS" commemorative campaign is underway!
第2回『#JAPANNEXTCUP: Apex Legends』
第2回『#JAPANNEXTCUP: Apex Legends』‼️✨開催を記念して、賞品の1つである23.8インチ・FAST IPSパネル搭載のゲーミングモニター🖥… pic.twitter.com/xb4ZYMsiSh
— 株式会社 JAPANNEXT (@japannext1) July 26, 2023
A campaign is underway to celebrate the "2nd JAPANNEXT CUP : APEX LEGENDS" to be held on July 30 (Sun.), 2023. One person will win "JN-238Gi144FHDR-HSP" as a prize. To participate, follow JAPANNEXT official Twitter (@japannext1 ) and TEQWING e-Sports official Twitter (@TEQWING ) and retweet the eligible tweet! The deadline is until 23:59 on August 10, 2023 (Thursday), so join the campaign and make the tournament more exciting!
The "2nd JAPANNEXT CUP" will be broadcast on the official TEQWING e-Sports website! For more information on this tournament, please check the official TEQWING e-Sports website or official Twitter (@TEQWING).