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Neko no Natsuyasumi Survival," a summer-only event of "Nyanko Taisen," is underway!

「にゃんこ大戦争」の夏限定イベント「ねこのなつやすみ サバイバル」が開催中!

The Battle Cats," a smartphone game app provided by Ponos, Inc., launched a limited time event, " Neko no Natsuyasumi Survival," on Monday, August 19, 2024, at 11:00. In the event, you can win Nekokan and limited-edition characters.

"The Battle Cats" summer limited event will be held on August 19, 2024!

The Battle Cats" summer limited event " Neko no Natsuyasumi Survival " has been held since Monday, August 19, 2024 at 11:00. In "Neko no Natsuyasumi Survival", you can get " Legendary Traps " and catch 3 types of limited characters. In addition, " Nyan Cat Scratch Lottery " and " Limited Login Stamps " are also being held. Don't miss this chance to get Nekokan and limited characters!

A limited stage "Neko no Natsuyasumi Survival" is now available!

ねこのなつやすみ サバイバルPR TIMES

A survival stage on a deserted island will appear. By clearing the stage, you can obtain a " Legendary Trap " that will allow you to draw the limited time event gacha "Neko no Natsuyasumi Survival". Collect "Legendary Traps" to get the limited EX character...

  • Sardine
  • Squid
  • Old egg: N206

You can get a limited number of EX characters by collecting "Legendary Traps". The lottery will be held at from Monday, August 19, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. to Monday, September 2, 2024 at 10:59 p.m.

"Nyan Cat Scratch Lottery" will be held!

にゃんこスクラッチくじPR TIMES

Nyanko Scratch Lottery " will be held with a chance to win Nekokan every week. The Nyanko Scratch Lottery will be held on...

  • 1st lottery: Monday, August 19, 2024 11:00 - Sunday, August 25, 2024 23:59
  • The 2nd round: August 26, 2024 (Monday) 11:00 - September 2, 2024 (Monday) 10:59

...will be held twice. Don't forget to participate as you can get a maximum of 300 Nekokan!

Login Stamp Campaign!

ログインスタンプキャンペーンPR TIMES

A login stamp campaign will be held to commemorate the start of the " Survival" version. Log in during the event period to receive " Legendary Traps ", " Rare Tickets " and more. Be sure to log in every day to receive the splendid rewards!

The "Legendary Trap Pack" is now on sale!

伝説の罠パックPR TIMES

The " Legendary Trap Pack " is now on sale to coincide with the Summer Limited Event. The "Legendary Trap Pack" contains...

  • 30 "Legendary Traps
  • 130 Nekokan

The "Legendary Trap Pack" includes.... In addition, if you turn the event gacha 30 times, you can get 3 or more limited charactersfor a fixed price. The sale period is from Monday, August 19, 2024 at 11:00 to Monday, September 2, 2024 at 10:59.

More limited stages will be available!

Jungle Survival " will be held on Monday, August 26, 2024 at 11:00 a.m., featuring a stage where players will battle against a raging torrent on a deserted island full of nature. The event will run from 11:00 on Monday, August 26, 2024 to 10:59 on Monday, September 2, 2024 at. We look forward to seeing you at the event!

For more information about the event, please check "The Battle Cats" official website, official X (@PONOS_GAME ) and in-game announcement page.


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

The World of Battle Cats
The World of Battle Cats
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