Coincheck will hold a campaign where 30,000 yen worth of "SAND" will be presented by purchasing "LAND"! "LAND" sales price review campaign is also implemented!

Coincheck will hold a campaign where 30,000 yen worth of "SAND" will be presented by purchasing "LAND"! "LAND" sales price review campaign is also implemented!

Coincheck NFT (beta version ), an NFT marketplace provided by Coincheck Corporation, is holding a campaign where the first 400 purchases of " LAND " will receive " SAND " (the in-game currency of "The Sandbox") worth 30,000 yen. (the in-game currency of "The Sandbox")" will be given away for the first 400 "LAND" purchases!
In addition, a campaign to review the price of " LAND " will also be held!

The first 400 purchases of The Sandbox's LAND will receive 30,000 yen worth of SAND as a free gift!

【先着400個】The SandboxのLAND購入で3万円相当のSANDプレゼントキャンペーンPR TIMES

Starting today, you can buy LAND(NFT ) on the blockchain game " The Sandbox " and receive SAND worth 30,000 yen on the blockchain game "The Sandbox"!
The campaign period is Wednesday, August 31, 2022 12:00 - Sunday, September 21, 2022 19:00 The campaign will last until the end of the month!
The campaign is limited to the first 400 units, so if you are considering purchasing LAND, don't delay!


Campaign Outline
Campaign Name First 400 orders】SAND gift campaign worth 30,000 yen with the purchase of The Sandbox's LAND
Period August 31, 2022 (Wed) 12:00 - September 21, 2022 (Sun) 19:00
Eligibility Those who purchase "LAND" land in "The Sandbox" offered by Coincheck during the campaign period (first 400 customers)
Eligible "LAND All "LAND" listed by Coincheck
*This campaign does not apply to the purchase of LAND by sellers other than Coincheck.
Prizes 30,000 yen worth of SAND per "LAND
Scheduled date of award If you fulfill the requirements of the campaign, the prize will be awarded to your trading account within 2 weeks from the end of the campaign period.
You can check your prize history on Coincheck (web) and in the Coincheck app.

A sales price review campaign will also be held in conjunction with this campaign!

In conjunction with this campaign, a " LAND price review campaign in commemoration of the opening of Alpha Season 3 " will also be held!
This campaign commemorates the opening of Alpha Season 3 of " The Sandbox, " and the sales price of "LAND" will be reduced for a limited time!
The revised prices are as follows

  • LAND in ETH: 2.0 ETH → 1.2 ETH

  • LAND in SAND : 1,800 SAND → 1,500 SAND

The campaign will last until Wednesday, August 31, 2022 12:00 - Sunday, September 21, 2022 19:00 The campaign will last until the end of the month!
This is a great opportunity to buy "LAND" at a great price together with " The Sandbox's SAND Gift Campaign ", so don't miss out on this chance!
For more details on both campaigns, please check the official Coincheck website!

Campaign Outline
Campaign Name
Commemorating the Opening of Alpha Season 3] LAND Sales Price Revision Campaign
Period August 31, 2022 (Wed) 12:00 - September 21, 2022 (Sun) 19:00
Target "LAND All "LAND" listed by Coincheck
LAND listed by other than Coincheck is not eligible for this campaign.
Review Price LAND with ETH : 2.0ETH → 1.2ETH
LAND with SAND : 1,800 SAND → 1,500 SAND
Introduction to Virtual Currency Investing Starting at ¥5,000

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