DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation (DOAXVV), part of the Dead or Alive series, is holding a birthday gacha for the popular character Honoka, whose birthday is on March 24. The birthday gacha for Honoka, a popular character with a birthday on March 24, is now open.
【3/24 は ほのか誕生日】
今日 3/24 (火) は「ほのか」っちのお誕生日❤
3/30 (月) までの1週間『ほのか誕生日ガチャ』開催だよ♪
誕生石をイメージした水着『ジュエル・アクアマリン (ほのか) 』や、記念の『約束の指輪』でお祝いしてあげてね♪ #ブイブイ— DOAX VenusVacation公式 (@doax_vv_staff) March 23, 2020
Promide to be opened
The "Honoka Birthday Gacha" features a "Jewel Aquamarine" swimsuit with the image of a birthstone.
The Honoka Birthday Gacha will be open for one week, until Monday, March 30.
The following promo items will be available

Get "Fairy Veil" by awakening skills to the maximum and winning the festival!

In addition, you can get "Fairy Veil", a special veiled hairstyle exclusively for Honoka, as an owner mission reward by awakening your skills to the maximum level, setting it on your Fes Codes, and winning one of the Fes.
There are many more birthday events to come! For more information, check out the official DOAXVV website!