In time for Kokoro's birthday, "Bouquet Cattleya" has appeared in the Dead or Alive series' "DOAXVVV" (DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation). Cattleya" appeared in "DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation" to celebrate Kokoro's birthday.
今日 12/1 (火) は「こころ」さんのお誕生日?
12/7 (月) まで『こころ誕生日ガチャ』開催だよ♪「カトレア」の花束をイメージした水着『ブーケ・カトレア』や、『誓いのブーケ』でお祝いしてあげてね? #ブイブイ
— DOAX VenusVacation公式 (@doax_vv_staff) November 30, 2020
Promise to be released
The Trend Coordinate Gacha and Natsukashi Coordinate Gacha, where you can get the "Bouquet Coordinate", will be open until 23:59 on December 7 (Mon.).
The following promo items will be available

Special poses when you get the "Bouquet of Vows

If you get the prop "Bouquet of Vows (Kokoro)," Kokoro will strike a special pose in the photo mode.
Also, as an effect of the "Bouquet of Vows," you can make the bouquet transparent by using the "Mysterious Remote Control" during the photo shoot.