Hearthstone, the world's most played digital card game, is releasing a new expansion , "Altarak of the Rage," on December 8!
The theme of the new expansion is a battle between two camps, and players will be able to choose which camp they belong to. The new expansion also seems to entertain with a background storyline, with characters from cards included in previous expansions and mini-sets in their evolved forms.
Since this is an expansion pack, a very large variety of cards will be included.
We can't wait to see if the new cards will make existing decks even stronger, or if they will give birth to completely new decks!
Overview of "Altarak of the Raging Battle

The release date is December 8, Japan time. The game will contain 135 cards, and new elements include new hero cards,Orders of Valor, which gain their effectiveness by defeating enemy minions , andobjectives that last for three turns.
This time, players can choose whether to belong to the Horde or Alliance camp and earn a free Drexar orVandal Stormpike card, the leader of their chosen camp.
Once a player has chosen a camp, he or she will earn merit points for winning the match, and at the end of the event, all players in the winning camp will receive a diamond card of their camp's leader. Winning against a rival camp will also increase the number of points you receive, so you can get even more excited about the competition!
Cards will be released as the schedule progresses, so don't forget to check out the official card gallery!
Get your packs at a discount by purchasing in advance!

As always, there will be pre-purchase bundles available this year as well!
The pre-purchase bundle includes 60 card packs, 2 random Legendary cards from the new expansion , and the "Vandal Stormpike" design on the back of the cards, priced at 6,100 yen.
The Mega Bundle will include 80 card packs, a Golden Legendary Card, five Golden Packs, the Warrior Hero skin "V andal Stormpike" with the design on the back of the card, and additional extras for Battlegrounds and other modes. The price is 10,000 yen, but it is a great deal compared to the regular price of the packs, and you get all sorts of extras, so if you are planning to buy the packs, we recommend you take advantage of the pre-purchase offer!
There's not much information available right now, but don't forget to check out the official Twitch and YouTube livestreams before the release date!
For more information, visit the official Hearthstone website!
新たなキーワードや無料レジェンドカードなど詳細については公式ブログをチェックしてくれ!?https://t.co/ztvzcnlZVt#ハースストーン pic.twitter.com/2xXVHEJ25E
— Hearthstone: ハースストーン (@Hearthstone_jp) November 17, 2021