I want to take a class by Tsubasa Honda! Tv commercial of "Monster Hunter Rise" released!

I want to take a class by Tsubasa Honda! Tv commercial of "Monster Hunter Rise" released!

Capcom's latest title in the Monster Hunter series, " Monster Hunter Rise," is just two weeks away from its release on March 26, 2021 (Friday).
The event was broadcast live from 8:00 p.m. on March 9, and featured a live performance by Mifumi Aoyagi, a calligraphy performance by Mifumi Aoyagi, and a live performance by Izumi Kato.Monster Hunter Rise Digital Live Event," which was filled with a lot of content, including actual equipment play, a calligraphy performance by Mifan Aoyagi, and a live performance by Isao Kato.
Unfortunately, there is no archive of the event, but I think an edited version of the video will be available soon, so if you missed it, be sure to check it out!
Just before the hunting season opens! Monster Hunterize Digital Live Event", there was also a secret guest who was not announced beforehand, right?
The guest is Tsubasa Honda, who is a Monster Hunter fan in her own right ! The TV commercial for "Monster Hunter Rise" featuring Tsubasa Honda was unveiled!

Let's go hunting! Let's go hunting, Monster Hunter Sensei!

In the TV commercial released this time, Tsubasa Honda, wearing a jersey and glasses, plays the role of "Monster Hunter Sensei " and gives a lesson on "Monster Hunter Rise".
Two commercials, " Appearance " and " Remote Lesson, " were released and have been available on the web since March 9, 2020 (Tuesday), prior to the TV broadcast on March 12, 2021 (Friday)!
Please take a look at it first!

Monhan Sensei's appearance

Monhun Sensei Remote Classroom

Some of you may have unintentionally pre-ordered "Monster Hunter Rise" while watching the video! I want to take a class with Vassar!
The commercial alone is enough to make you melt, but there's also a making-of video that takes you behind the scenes of the commercial shoot!

By the way, Tsubasa Honda plans to use a hunting flute as her weapon.
When the demo version was released in January, the whistle was quite enhanced and was very easy to use, so why not try it in the "Monster Hunter Rise DEMO Version 2" that will be released on March 12?
I'm not sure...but I should practice my gunner skills for when I get to play with the flute busser one day...I'm torn!

We'll bring you a recap of the event soon!

Tsubasa Honda also made an appearance at the "Just before the hunting season opens! Monster Hunter Rise Digital Live Event," which also featured Tsubasa Honda, was actually covered by the editorial department of Saiga NAK.
The event will be published in the near future, so please look forward to that as well!
And Tsubasa Honda, a.k.a. "Monhan Sensei," will be broadcasting "Monster Hunterize" live on the show " Tsubasa Honda Delivers Live! Everyone Monhan Rise " will be broadcast on March 20, 2021 (Sat) at 20: 00 on Capcom's YouTube channel!
What kind of play will Monhan Sensei show us? Will he really carry a hunting flute? What will he be playing, and will he really be carrying a hunting flute?
For more information on "Monster Hunter Rise," please visit the official website!