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Mewtwo finally joins the fray! Pokemon Unite" 2nd anniversary event starts! New Battle Mode!


Pokémon Unite, a Pokémon team strategy battle, will celebrate its second anniversary on Friday, July 21, 2023! To celebrate, various events will be held. The highlight will be the entry of the legendary Pokémon Mewtwo! A new battle mode will also be introduced in which players can cooperate with their friends to clear the game. Look out for the even more powerful "Pokémon Unite!

Celebrating the 2nd anniversary! Pokemon Unite

"ポケモンユナイト"2周年PR TIMES

Pokémon Unite will celebrate its second anniversary on Friday, July 21, 2023! Many Pokémon have joined the game so far, and a variety of battles are being waged. Various commemorative events are scheduled to be held for the 2nd anniversary, and this article introduces Mewtwo, which will make its full appearance on the 2nd anniversary, and the new battle mode!

Mewtwo finally joins the fray!

ミュウツー参戦PR TIMES

To celebrate the second anniversary of "Pokemon Unite," the legendary Pokemon "Mewtwo" will finally join the game! The original artwork commemorating Mewtwo's entry has been unveiled. Mewtwo is under intense pressure in the cave, and the figure in the background is...! In "Pokemon Unite," two licenses will be available for Mewtwo to Mega Shinka into "Mega Mewtwo X" and "Mega Mewtwo Y." The "Mega Mewtwo X" license will be available on Friday, July 21, and the "Mega Mewtwo Y" license will be available in mid-August. Please look forward to its appearance in the game!

New Battle Mode!

新バトルモードPR TIMES

A new battle mode has been introduced to commemorate the 2nd anniversary! Unlike the previous 5 vs. 5 battle mode, this mode allows friends to cooperate with each other to clear the game. A map dedicated to the new Battle Mode has been unveiled, as well as wild Pokémon appearing for the first time. Check the official Pokemon Unite website or the official Pokemon Unite Twitter (@poke_unite_jp ) for more information!


Pokemon Unite Days" in July are on the 1st and 2nd

"ポケモンユナイトの日"は1日と2日PR TIMES

On "Pokémon Unite Days" on July 1 (Sat.) and 2 (Sun.), shoppers at Pokémon Centers nationwide will receive a gift code to experience a battle in "Pokémon Unite" wearing the holo-wear! The gift code is a rental holowear of "Band Style-Pikachu" and a rental license of Pikachu.

"バンドスタイル-ピカチュウ" PR TIMES

July UNITE membership rewards "Beach Style - Gengar"!

7月のUNITEメンバーシップの特典"ビーチスタイル-ゲンガー"PR TIMES

There are a lot of great benefits when you join the UNITE Membership! First-time registrants will receive a "Whoopaset" trainer fashion set. Membership is available for 1,150 yen per month (tax included).

  • Special "Hollow Wear of the Month" will be given away!
  • Two additional free Unite Licenses are available on a weekly basis!
  • Two free holowear experiences per week!
  • Access to chat balloons & special icon frames exclusively for membership members
  • 10% discount on trainer fashions when purchased with gems/eos tickets for the first week after launch only
  • Daily 40 Gems gift

Pokémon Unite Koshien 2023" National Competition to be held on Sunday, August 6

ポケモンユナイト甲子園 2023PR TIMES

Pokémon Inc. and Nippon Television Network Corporation (NTV) will co-host the National High School Pokémon Unite Tournament (a.k.a. Pokémon Unite Koshien) for high school students on Sunday, August 6, 2023. The national tournament will be held at NTV's studios and will be offline with an audience! It will also be streamed on the YouTube channel " Official Pokemon Unite Channel "!

Tournament Outline
Name of the Tournament National High School Pokémon Unite Championship Tournament (also known as "Pokémon Unite Koshien")
Date and time Sunday, August 6, 2023 from 15:00
Participating Teams Hokkaido, Tohoku, Hokuriku, Koshinetsu District: Stay Away Macro (Niigata Murakami Secondary School) Kanto District: Eos People (Seikouin High School) Tokai, Kansai District: Team Obataizu (Otemon Gakuin High School) Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa District: Yuru Yuru Pokeyuna (Kashii Technical High School, Fukuoka)
Performers Nicole Fujita (Pokemon Unite Koshien 2023 Cheering Leader), Robert, Hiroshi Yamamoto (Special MC for the tournament), Hikaru Shinohara (MC/Live commentary)

Please enjoy "Pokemon Unite," which is celebrating its 2nd anniversary! For more information, please visit the official Pokémon Unite website.


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese. at the moment.

Pokémon UNITE
Pokémon UNITE
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