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【REDEE】All 6 YouTuber courses for the elderly have been completed.


One of the largest digital education facilities in Japan, " REDEE
In August 2022, REDEE will be renovated as "a facility where you can experience more than 30 types of digital skill-up experiences and the latest technology in a single day ," making it an even more comprehensive digital The facility has become an even more comprehensive digital education facility.
From June to mid-August 2022, REDEE held a YouTuber course for the elderly " Aiming to be a YouTuber " for members of the "Waisu Club," a membership organization of the Yomiuri Shimbun Osaka headquarters that supports club activities for adults. The "Aim for YouTuber" lecture was held for members of the "Waisu Club," a membership organization of the Osaka Head Office of the Osaka Shimbun.


Aiming to be a YouTuber Lecture" was held.

 YouTuber講座の様子PR TIMES

The "Aim for YouTuber" course for senior citizens was held from June 2022, and was divided into two courses, a Monday course and a Tuesday course, with a total of 19 "Waizu Club" members participating.
The goal of the course was for participants to acquire video editing skills and be able to post their videos on YouTube through a total of six workshops.
The schedule for the six sessions is as follows

First Session What is a YouTuber?
2nd Session Filming Techniques
Part 3 Editing Techniques
Part 4 Planning - Filming practice (1)
Part 5 Planning - Filming practice (2)
Part 6 Creating an account - Uploading videos

The course started with a lecture on what a YouTuber is, and participants learned the entire process of video creation, including filming techniques, video planning, filming practice, and video uploading.
Some participants came to the workshop with a variety of goals in mind, from sharing their agricultural know-how to uploading videos of their own printmaking exhibitions.
Participants ranged in age from 50 to 75, and some came from as far away as Tenri, Nara Prefecture, and Nabari, Mie Prefecture.
After participating in the workshop, participants not only commented that they " wanted to learn more " and " could easily continue, " but also "wanted to learn about the Metaverse," " wanted to try drones," and "wanted to be able to talk about programming with my grandchildren. I want to be able to talk about programming with my grandchildren.

Additional classes are planned!

The YouTuber course for the elderly was held to fulfill the passion of the elderly for posting on YouTube, and "REDEE" will continue to hold additional courses in partnership with the "Waisu Club"" which is working to launch a digital club. REDEE" will continue to work in partnership with the "Waisu Club & quot;" which is working to launch a digital club.
REDEE" has announced that it plans to offer an advanced editing course as an addition to the YouTuber course in September 2022.
After that, REDEE will continue to support the digital experience of the elderly by planning workshops not only for video editing but also for a variety of other digital experiences.


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