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THE FINALS, a new team FPS where everything can be destroyed, begins open beta testing for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and Steam.

全てが壊せる新作チームFPS「THE FINALS」がXbox Series X|S、PlayStation 5、Steam向けオープンベータテストを開始

Embark Studios AB, a consolidated subsidiary of Nexon Corporation, launched an open beta test of its new team FPS " THE FINALS " on Thursday, October 26, 2023 (Japan time). The test will run until Sunday, November 5, 2023 on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5 and Steam.

ネクソンのスマホ向けアクションRPG「真・三國無双 M」が事前登録開始、2023年冬配信予定

Open Beta Test of "THE FINALS" Begins

The new team FPS "THE FINALS" is a highly calculated physics engine that makes a large number of objects destructible. Players must adapt to the ever-changing battlefield and work together with their friends to defeat the enemy.


There are three types of arenas (maps) available in the open beta test: "Skyway Stadium," "Monaco," and "Seoul. Each arena has different features, but they all share the same high tempo and thrilling battles.


The following five game modes are available

  • Coin Dash: Four teams of three compete for coins.
  • Tournament: 4 teams of 3 players find a vault and deposit money into a cash-out station to win the tournament (no rank distribution)
  • Ranked Tournaments: 4-round tournaments with 48 players in all (ranked)
  • Quick Cash: Casual 3vs3vs3 cash-out mode
  • Practice range: Try out weapons, gadgets, destruction, etc.

The Battle Pass distributed during the open beta test will include a total of 16 exclusive rewards, and the rewards unlocked will be transferred to the official service version. Aim for first place by making full use of 20 different weapons, 26 different gadgets, and 9 different abilities!

FPS players who are tired of the tension of battle royale games should try "THE FINALS" and reacquaint themselves with the fun of arena shooter games. The open beta test of "THE FINALS" will run from Thursday, October 26 to Sunday, November 5, 2023 (Japan time ). Download and play from the PlayStation Store, Xbox, and Steam.


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

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