This year marks the 25th anniversary of the popular game series "Resident Evil Village," the eighth in the series, which was released in May. The limited-edition products featuring the "Umbrella Company" of the popular game series "Resident Evil Village," the eighth in the series, have been on sale at the "Capcom Store" and "PARCO ONLINE STORE" since August 13 (Fri.).
The items are designed to help you relax and unwind from the daily stresses of the game.
The "Green Herb" and "Red Herb," well-known recovery items in the "Resident Evil" series, are now available as "bath salts"" featuring the image of "Green Herb" and "Red Herb. The "Green Herb" and the "Red Herb" are now available.
The packaging is designed to look as if it were a product of the Umbrella Corporation and will make you feel as if you have stepped into the game!
Practical goods for the workplace, school, etc. are also available!
Ballpoint pens, message memos, and report pads with the Umbrella logo and other designs are also available.
The message memo is designed to be practical and can be used for communicating errands, etc.
The report pad is an A4-size report paper, so it can be used for writing actual research reports, etc.
With these, you may be able to experience the feeling of an Umbrella employee in the game.
Product Details
Capcom Store exclusive Resident Evil merchandise has been on sale since August 13 (Fri. ).
Be quick if you want to get them!
- "Umbrella Company Bath Salt (Green Herb)" 550 yen (tax included)
- "Umbrella Inc. bath salt (red herb)" 550 yen (tax included)
- Umbrella Company ballpoint pen" 550 yen (tax included)
- Umbrella Company report pad" 990 yen (tax included)
- Umbrella Company message memo" 660 yen (tax included)
Sold at
6F Shibuya Parco, 15-1 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8377, Japan
6F Shinsaibashi PARCO, 1-8-3 Shinsaibashi-suji, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 542-0085, Japan
Official website:
Now on sale at each store!
Check out the limited items at each store or online store to experience the world of Resident Evil, which celebrated its 25th anniversary this year.